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It's been a few days since Angel's birthday and since Hank had befriended Tricky and was cool with Jebus.

Hank now didn't have to go on many missions anymore since he didn't need to fight Tricky or Jebus anymore. This gave him opportunity to spend more time with Angel, which he loved doing. He took Angel out to play more often too since it seemed to be so peaceful in Nevada.

Hah..... Another Peaceful Day in Nevada.

Hank took out Angel to play with Tricky again. Angel was always happy to play with her friends.

After playing they started to return home. Angel was hopping in the front as Hank followed. Angel by now knew the road to home. She hopped away when Hank told her, "Slow down Angel! It's a rocky road."

Angel then turned around and said, "Don't worry Dad! I'll be okay!" She then turned around and hopped, but didn't see a rock and she tripped on it.

She fell face first on the road. Hank quickly went and picked her up. She got small cuts and bruises all over her face, arms and legs. She then started to cry out loud.

Hank then rubbed her back and tried to calm her down while cradling her. "Shhh... Shh.... It's okay. I'll get you home now. You'll be alright! I promise."

Hank then quickened his pace to reach back Home faster. He then came inside the house with a crying Angel in his arms.

Deimos quickly jumped off the couch and came to look at her, "What happened to her!?"

Sanford then went and brought a med-kit in the meanwhile.

Hank sighed and said, "She was hopping when she tripped on a rock and fell..."

Hank then put Angel gently down on the couch and wiped her tears while Sanford took a wet cloth and started to clean her bruises to apply the medicine.

After a while Angel had some band-aids on her face, arms and legs and had finally calmed down. Deimos the made her, her favorite chocolate milkshake to cheer her up. Angel happily drank it.

After that they all watched a movie together. They had dinner and went to sleep.


The next day. Hank insisted to Angel staying home that day because of her bruises but Angel still said that she was perfectly fine and was okay to play. Hank gave up.

This was now Deimos's turn to take Angel out to play. So he took her to Mat again. Mat waved at Angel when he saw her approaching him. Angel waved back.

Mat then put his hand down and Angel sat on his palm. Mat then gently picked her up and asked, "How are you today little Angel?"

Angel then cheerfully said, "I am good Mat! How about you?"

Mat then smiled, "I'm good too- wait... What's with all the band-aids? Did something happen?"

Angel then laughed a bit, "Oh don't worry about it Mat! It's nothing. I just fell and hurt myself."

Mat didn't believe it. He thought that Hank had hurt Angel. So he got a bit mad, "You are lying. Aren't you?"

Angel then saw Mat's angry face and nervously laughed, "Why would I lie to you Mat?"

Mat then didn't want to hear it. He then started to walk to his facility with Angel in hand.

Deimos noticed this and called him, "Hey!! Where are you taking Angel!?"

Mat then in a cold voice said, "Away from you."

This made Deimos frightened. 'I shouldn't have trusted Mat! Now look what's happening!', He then quickly took out his gun and pointed at Mat.

Hank J. Wimbleton + *Child* OC! (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now