Chapter 2: Project Tsuki No Me

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Shoto Todoroki's P.O.V

    With our homeroom teacher in tow, I marched back towards the courtyard — bound for Izuku. I hadn't mentioned who was fighting who or any of the specifics to our teacher — knowing that, while she would still come, it would take longer and be much more trouble than simply excluding the details. Although, I could tell she had a suspicion that it was Izuku.

    We walked relatively fast until eventually, we arrived at the courtyard; however, as we arrived, I noticed that Izuku was gone, and the courtyard had been enveloped in an eerie and abnormally still silence. All you could hear was the breeze as it flowed in the late-April air, and all that moved were the clouds and leaves as they swayed with the wind — completely impartial to the frozen people around.

"Yagi and Bakugou?" Mrs. Takashima spoke with confusion, breaking the silence. "You two were the ones fighting? I thought..." She continued on, only to be interrupted by Bakugou's yelling.

"You told on us?!" He exclaimed with annoyance and anger in his voice. "What are you, five?"

"Told on us?" I mocked him. "Haven't you grown above a first-grader's IQ level?"

    I blocked his words out as he continued rambling and began to search the crowd of faces to find my friend, but no matter how hard I looked, he was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Izuku?" I asked the two standing at the center of the crowd as it slowly dissipated.

"So, this was about him!" Mrs. Takashima proclaimed as if she had just discovered fire.

"It doesn't matter if it was or wasn't!" I shouted at her. "They were still using their quirks on campus, meaning it's the school's job to discipline them!"

    Mrs. Takashima's eyes shifted between Bakugou and I as we argued back and forth, obviously trying to figure out which side she was politically supposed to pick — the son of the number two hero, or the person on the side of the daughter of the number one hero, who were both feuding in a he-said-she-said argument.

"They've always treated Izuku like crap, and the school always lets them get away with it! Now, you're here, so you can't let it go, or would you like me to get my father involved?" I seethed with venom laced into my voice.

    I didn't like to play the dad-card — knowing full-well that it was a bluff; however, this was the only way I could get them to listen to me.

"No!" Mrs. Takashima spoke aloud. "No, uhm, well, where is he?"

"Who cares?" Izumi spoke solemnly a few feet away from the three of us. "He'll be back later anyway. He always comes back."

    With a low tone in her voice filled with shock and melancholy, I watched as Izumi left uttering those words — walking back towards the building to get to class before the bell — and soon followed everyone else. Although, I couldn't move. Something felt wrong — really wrong. I felt as if today marked a change in me, like something would be different from now on, and like I had just lost a large part of who I was.

"Todoroki." A voice spoke, pulling me from my thoughts. "Don't worry, we'll have the office phone the Yagi's to see if he's gone home early. Everything will be alright, so don't worry about him and head to class before you're late."

    Mrs. Takashima's words were apathetic and sincere as she motioned for me to walk to class, so I trusted her. I knew none of the teachers particularly liked Izuku because of his lack of quirk; however, it was their job to be sure he was safe. Otherwise, they could be reported to the Board of Education and have their teacher's licenses revoked.

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