Chapter 4: You're Not Worthy... Not Anymore.

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

    The flowing sounds of the river before me accompanied by the subtle chipping of birds consumed my hearing entirely – leaving no room for the ambient sounds of the forest. I felt my hands run along the soft and delicate blades of grass beneath me before releasing a breath and speaking for the first time in hours.

"I can't do this," I said aloud to Uchiha as I opened my eyes. "I can't think about the environment like I'm some sort of senses-connoisseur."

"Interesting, and here I thought you said you, quote-unquote, had the willpower to see this through?" He responded, not opening his eyes to meet mine. "I have no time for useless people, so either you sit down and continue with our meditation, or I kill you now; although, I would much rather you choose the former of the two because I like this spot in the forest. It would be a complete waste to cover it in the filth of your corpse."

    Thinking only of self-preservation, I sat back down and closed my eyes before trying to focus again. I wasn't smart and I wasn't good at calming my mind, I knew these things, but getting a quirk was all I could think about when I first asked Uchiha to teach me. So, I got myself into this mess and needed to see it through.

"If you're having trouble concentrating, get comfortable," Uchiha spoke again from my side. "Lie down, control your breathing, and see if that works. Meditation isn't always done sitting with your legs crossed, and you don't need to think about your senses to flow with them. Just relax."

"Why are we even doing this though? I thought you were going to teach me to use Chakuria?" I huffed.

"Chakra. It's pronounced Chakra, and you'll never learn to harness the Chakra inside of you if you can't discipline yourself. Learn to control your mind first and then we'll talk about Chakra." The sounds of shuffling and the feeling of weight shifting from my left invaded my senses as he spoke. "Stay out here and control your mind until I come back to get you."

"Wait, what? Where are you going? When will you be back?" I questioned him rapidly as my eyes shot open before he stopped me.

"Don't ask questions, just do as I say. If you leave, I'll take that as you choosing to terminate our deal and you know what will happen next."

He'll kill me.

    With his words uttered, he slipped away from the clearing in the woods we had been sitting in – leaving me alone with nothing but the trees to give me company. The forest truly was beautiful, though, and the lake before me was even more so. The water was so completely silent it acted as a mirror to the sky and trees; however, it was even more incredible under the moonlight when the gleaming light of the stars hit the surface of the water.

    I laid down on my back and closed my eyes – breathing deeply like Uchiha had taught me to in the past couple of days – but no matter how hard I tried to focus on clearing my mind, questions and thoughts would constantly pop up.

What would have happened if I hadn't run away from school that day?

Would things have ever changed if I had stayed?

What was going to happen to me if I messed up during training?

Did I make a mistake?

    Thoughts consistently invaded my headspace, and nothing would silence them. Annoyed, I groaned as loud as I could before opening my eyes again and staring up at the sky, watching the clouds as they moved slowly – creating a gentle breeze.

"How am I supposed to learn to use Chakra if I can't even focus on my breathing without growing restless?" I wondered aloud. "And why the heck can't the trees stop swaying for five seconds!" My voice rang out, echoing my dismay.

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