I Found this in the Recycling Bin

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Nikki had been acting off all day with Jack and colleagues alike, Jack who had been dating the blonde pathologist for the past ten weeks had put it down to her time of the month.

"Have you seen Nikki?" Jack asks as he steps into the Lyell offices and glances over at Clarissa and Thomas. Thomas looks over at Jack from where he is situated reading over some case notes near Clarissa.
"She's gone home," he explains expecting Jack to know this.
"Oh... did she say when she's coming back?" Jack asks.
"No, she said she'll be back tomorrow, so I'm gathering either she's got a doctor's appointment or she's not well" Thomas responds.

Jack nods slowly and walks to his desk and grabs his phone, texting Nikki quickly he then places his phone down. "Trouble in paradise?" Clarissa smirks.

"I wish I knew, she's not really spoken to me today, you don't reckon she's bored of me?" Jack asks with a nervous chuckle.

Jack watches the other two and noticed their faces seem to be speaking the same thing. "What's wrong?" Jack asks nervously.
"Jack... I think you need to go see Nikki, I know you pair are very early in your relationship but these things can't wait" the older woman speaks.

"What do you mean these things?" Jack quizzes panic rushing across his face.
"I saw Nikki... she had what looked like a pregnancy testing kit" Clarissa swallows unsure of how Jack was going to take this so early on in their relationship.

"Shit" Jack breathes running his hand through his hair.
Turning quickly he grabs his car keys and other belongings and heads towards the exits. "Jack where are you going?" Thomas calls.
"To be with my girlfriend" he rushes as he scans himself out and heads out the building.

Within twenty minutes he pulls up outside Nikki's house, they had rarely been at Nikki's house in the time they had been dating as they found that Jack's apartment was closer to the Lyell and also close to where they usually go out drinking on dates.

Jack gets out of his car and locks it before walking up to the front door, he presses the doorbell a few times and also knocks on the front door. After a few minutes there was no response he steps into the flower bed and pulls the set of keys out of a plant pot and opens the front door. "Nikki?" He calls out while shutting the door.

"Nikki? where are you?" He calls once again as he walks through into the kitchen to see her handbag and car keys places on the kitchen counter, He quickly checks the back garden to see if his girlfriend is out there but nothing.

Stepping back into the kitchen he walks through to the dining room but stops when he notices the bin open. Peering in something catches his eye. Looking around he then takes the plunge and pulls the item from the bin.

Examining the item he sighs deeply, there it was as clear as day a pregnancy test, He sighs as he reads the little screen that has presented a negative result. His heart sinks they may have only been together ten weeks but during the drive to her home after hearing Clarissa mention the test he wondered what it would be like to become a father.

He actually liked the prospect of becoming a father but this test told him a different story, but it was still early days for the couple. Placing the test in a piece of tissue roll he climbs the stairs with it in hand, ready to confront his girlfriend.

He reaches the final step and then notices Nikki's bedroom door slightly ajar, slowly pushing the door open he finds his girlfriend curled up asleep on top of the covers still in her work clothes.

On further investigation, he notices his girlfriend's cheeks bright red and the rings around her eyes, a clear indicator that she has been crying. "Oh, Nik..." Jack sighs as he sits down beside her on the bed and strokes the hair from her face.

"Why didn't you tell me," He whispers.
He continues to stroke her arm and admires her sleeping. A matter of moments pass by and Nikki suddenly stirs and jolts awake, her eyes fill with panic before she settled when her eyes settle on her boyfriend sat watching her.

"Jack?" She mumbles rolling onto her back so she can look at him better.
"We need to talk... I found this in the Recycling bin" He speaks holding up the pregnancy test. She looks at the test, her eyes filling with tears once again and she bites her lip as she looks away from her boyfriend.

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