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Amara Woods | CEDRIC
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I walked through the long, crowded corridor, slipping between people to get to the Ancient Runes as fast as I could. My eyes, on a search for my tall, brunette Hufflepuff.

"Dante!" I yelled across the hall. "Hey!" he greeted with his usual smile lingering on his face. "Hey! Have you seen Ced? It is kinda urgent." I tried to smile. "I think he left his books in the class..." his eyes skimmed the crowd and stopped at one point.

"There he is." he shook his head towards the classroom door where Cedric made an appearance. "Hello darling." he walked towards us, throwing one of his arms over my shoulders. "I need to talk to you." Seeing the serious expression on my face he nodded quickly and said his goodbyes to the boys.

We walked back towards the way I came and made our way up to the Slytherin tower. None of us said a word.

By the look on his face I knew he was considering all the possibilities in his head about what our talk will be about. He had questions. I could see it but he didn't ask. He waited patiently till we reached my shared dorm with Jordan.

He held the door for me as I walked in and closed it slowly behind him.

I didn't know what to say or where to begin. I knew he would help me clear my mind and maybe put an end to this mess in my head.

But how was I supposed to end it when I wasn't even sure what was happening.

I walked into my closet getting out of the uncomfortable uniforms. I just threw a simple shirt and some sweatpants on and made sure to grab an oversized –at least for me– white shirt that I stole for him a few weeks ago. On my way out.

"I should have known that you stole it the minute I realized it was gone." I laughed at his way to try to lighten the mood up. But the small smile that found its way on my lips disappeared rather quickly.

My mind was too chaotic and crowded for any emotions.

"Are you okay?" he asked slowly.

Am I?

I don't even know.

All I know is that I was not going to sit here and cry over a boy –if there was anything to cry for anyway– that meant nothing to me.

I was not sad.

Not one bit.

In fact I was angry.

I was angry because he was messing with my mind. Playing with me like a fucking toy.

"Amara?" I must have been too caught in my thoughts to realize that Ced was now standing, looking at me slightly worried. "You can always talk to me. You know?" When I didn't even know what to say he opened his arms as an invitation.

And I took it immediately. Allowing myself to relax under his touch. "It's so messed up. I don't even know what is happening anymore. It's like a puzzle and I can't find where each piece belongs anymore."

I was quite happy, in my own world, doing my puzzle when he came and flipped the table making me restart it.

I am not going to lie to myself and say that there is no tension in the air when we are in the same room. I feel an interest towards him, an affection. But it is only sexual, no feelings. In fact there were no feelings other than disgust that I felt towards him.

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