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Athanasia's P.O.V
"Waaaaa!!" I cried as Rosia tried to comfort me. My crying alerted Lily as she came rushing towards me. "Princess!" she shouted as she picked me and held me in her arms as I cried softly. "Why is my princess so upset? Maybe you feel hungry?" Lily said as she looked down as me with a warm and gentle smile. 'Athy, are you alright? Why were you crying...?" I heard Rosia say inside my head. I looked down and see Rosia holding onto Lily's skirt as tears began to show in her eyes.

Lily noticed her about to cry and she knelt down and pat her head. I looked at my hands and looked at Rosia before I reached forward and pat her on the head as well. She stopped sniffing and looked at me before a huge smile appeared on her face. Lily grabbed Rosia's favorite toy, a yellow teddy bear. She hand it to her and smiled at Rosia's happy expression.

'Lillian York. The only person from the book "Lovely Princess" who claimed Athanasia innocent besides Ambrosia. And for that, she also gets killed by the hands of Claude. Despite being aware of the Ruby Palace incident, she still volunteers to become Athanasia and Ambrosia's nanny.'

'The reason was Athanasia and Ambrosia's mother. She always admired how Diana's spirit was as free as a bird. But Diana died right after giving birth... And Claude shockingly massacres everyone in the Ruby Palace.' After I thought this I began to cry again. "Wahhhhhhhh!" I screamed out as more tears fell out of my eyes. 'Claude you dirtbag!!' I shouted in my head as Lily began to rock me. "D-Don't cry princess." Lily stood me as began to get antsy that I won't stop crying.

'I'm pretty sure I ended up in that wreck of a world inside that book. That means I'll die! My cute little sister will die alongside me! Nooooo! Not only that but Lily is going to die defending me!' I thought before I felt my clothes being raised over my head. "Waaaahhhh!" I shouted out in embarrassment. I heard Rosia laughing inside my head at my situation. That made me cry silently in my head. "She's not hungry and it's not the diapers... She's been very needy nowadays." Lily said after she checked my diaper. 'I didn't pee!' I thought to myself.

"It's okay princess, I'm right here." Lily said as she pat my back gently and I held onto her sleeve. 'Oh Lillian, why for art thou Lillian. And why am I Athanasia and my cute little sister is Ambrosia? Call me Jennette. I don't want to be Athanasia. I don't want my sister to be Ambrosia either but her fate is in her own hands now that she's in her body... I was right! We should leave this damn palace! Time, make haste!' I thought as Ambrosia looked at me with a smile like she knew what I was thinking. 'Of course, I know. You aren't exactly quiet when talking through the mind link.' she replied causing me to laugh.

Ambrosia P.O.V
A few years has passed since that day when Athy found out the we were inside the book "Lovely Princess". We're now able to walk and talk properly. We've also gained a close relationship with the maids of this palace. "Nanny, nanny. Athy/Rosia wants chocolate." Athy and I said as we looked at her with a cute expression on our face. "My sweet princesses, you'd like some chocolate?" Hannah asked us as she bend down slightly to look at us.

"Yeah! Athy and Rosia loves chocolate. We want a lot!" Athy told her as I stood beside her nodding my head up and down excitedly while holding my hand out so I can get it. "You like chocolate that much, Your Highnesses?" she asked. "Rosia and Athy loves chocolate! Love it this much! We love Hannah too!" I said as I spread my hand out to indicate how much we loved chocolate. "Oh my." Hannah replied as she got embarrassed when I told her that we loved her as well.

"Hannah, what are you doing?" we heard a voice say as we flinched as we heard a voice. "Ces!" Hannah called out as she looked at the other maid heading towards us. "Head maid Lillian told you. You can't give the princesses snacks as you please." Ces said as she stood next to Hannah. "It's just one piece." Hannah said as she looked at her subordinate beside her. "But you won't be the only one giving her snacks." Ces scolded Hannah until she felt someone tug the bottom of her skirt.

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