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Third Person P.O.V
Rosia was frozen in Ijekiel's arms before realization struck her. She tried to get out before realizing it was impossible, a bit high from the ground and comfortable. "Uhm, can you put me down?" Rosia asked as she tried to fall out his arms. 'What the-... How strong is he?!' Rosia thought giving up. "As you wish, my lady." Ijekiel said as he slowly put her on the ground. She scrambled away slowly before she ended up tripping. Before she fell, Ijekiel caught her arm. "Are you alright, my lady?" He asked her as she stabilized herself. "I'm fine. Thank you for worrying about me." Rosia said with a smile as she turned to him. 'So this is how male lead Ijekiel acts to ladies. Such a gentleman.' Rosia thought glancing at him. "This may be obvious, but you've grown a lot in the last six years." He said as she chuckled.

'Honestly, I haven't grown much. I'm now one head shorter than Athy.' Rosia thought. "But I could tell it was you at once." He finished saying with a smile as his aura became sparkly. 'Such a bright aura. Definitely male lead vibes. Should I do something? Would me playing the angel card be a better choice? But he's older now... Can it work anyway?' Rosia thought as she stared at him not replying. At least she forgot to anyway. 'Where the heck is Lucas?!' She thought anxiously. "Could it be... That you don't remember who I am?" He asked as she snapped out of her thoughts shaking her head. "N-No! I haven't forgotten about you. Was just lost in thought, that's all." She denied as he released a sigh of relief. "Is that so?" He asked with a smile on his face.

'Does that mean he's happy I didn't forget him? I mean how can I? He was or might still be smarter than me.' Rosia thought. "Ahem... You tell anyone that you'd seen me here by any chance, sir?" Rosia asked tilting her head to the side curiously. "Please feel free to speak comfortably. I haven't told a soul." He said as she sighed a relief. "That's good then. It must be kept a secret. No one should know." Rosia said as she put a finger over her mouth as she smiled at him. "Of course. There's no need to even ask that." He told her returning the smile. All of a sudden, the bush started rustling causing Rosia to freeze. "Ijekiel? Are you there?" A voice called out to him. 'J-Jennette?!' Rosia exclaimed in her mind as she looked in the direction of the noise. "Pardon my discourtesy." Ijekiel said as he grabbed her hand gently leading her in the opposite direction as she stared at him. 

"Let's go somewhere more quiet." He told her as they moved further away from where they heard Jennette. 'Can't he just go to meet Jennette?' Rosia thought confused by why he's pulling her with him. "Wouldn't it be better for you to just leave me here and go to her? I don't want to cause problems..." Rosia asked him. 'I could go back the same time, too...' Rosia thought as she looked down. "But then you will disappear without a word again." He said as she felt her hear ache with guilt. She felt bad for those times she visited before and left without tell him. She still was confused on why she dragged along with him. "What should I do... We'll be late if we don't go now." A girls said looking through the bushes. "Ijekiel- I think it would be for the best if you just went." Rosia thought trying to convince him as she looked back worriedly.

"Shh." He said quickly shutting her up as she turned to him offended feeling the arrow pierce her. 'Second time I've been roasted. And it hasn't even been two minutes.' Rosia thought with a pout on her face. After a few more minutes of walking they made it to a clearing filled with beautiful flowers. "This is where I come when I want to be alone. My secret garden, so to speak." He said as Rosia blinked. "But- Why did you show me your secret place?" Rosia asked confused tilting her head. "I thought you might like it here." He said as she stayed silent admiring the view. 'He's right, this is so pretty.' Rosia thought staring at the flowers and scenery. '... Have I started to become full fo myself after living as a princess for do long? It sounds as if he thought of me every time he came here.' Rosia thought smelling one of the flowers.

"I was startled to find you before me so suddenly." Ijekiel said as Rosia froze feeling her eyebrows twitch. 'Same here! I pray that Athy and Mikael created a tomb for him. He was so well-behaved after I punched him in the face. What is he being like this now all of a sudden? Ever since I said I want to practice dancing with him.' Rosia thought glancing away. "Of course, I would be glad if you had come here just to see me, but that doesn't seem to everyone the case." Ijekiel said stared at Rosia who turned towards him. "I don't know the story behind all this, but if you wish, I will continue to keep quiet about it. So..." Ijekiel started to say as Rosia smiled nervously. "Wasn't there a reason that girl was looking for you? Did you makes plans with here? You can't just ditch her!" Rosia said to him as he smiled at her.

"She'll be fine. She doesn't really need me to go with her." Ijekiel said staring at Rosia. 'This is bad. Very bad! We'll be seeing each other at the debutante soon, but how should I react when I do...' Rosia thought nervously. "To tell you the truth, up until that day six years ago, when I left for Arlanta, I went every day to the place where I met you for the first time. And after that, every six months when I returned to Obelia, even then. Even to this day." Ijekiel said to Rosia as she stared at him wide eyed feeling bad about that. "B-But why? Why didn't you just give up?" Rosia asked him curiously. "I wonder that too. Even if it was a brief encounter. I was glad to have someone else to talk to." He said just as the wind picked up.

"I wonder why." He said as he pushed her hair out of her face as he stared at her gently. She looked up at him to see his smile. "It's alright. Next time, I'll..." He started to say but all of a sudden she wasn't in the fields anymore. She was standing in front of Ijekiel to see him staring at her. She was back in the ballroom staring face to face with Lucas as Athy and Mikael walked back into the ballroom. "Rosia! You're back!" Athy said as she engulfed her sister in a hug as she started to cry. "I was so worried! He didn't teleport you anywhere dangerous right?" Athy asked as she checked over her sister. "I'm fine, Athy. He sent me to Alpheus Manor." She told her with a smile as Mikael walked towards her. "It's good you returned without any problems." He told her patting her head as she turned to Lucas who held a blank expression.

"You! What do you think gave you the right to be teleporting people any and everywhere like you please! I could've had a heart attack from being teleported suddenly! The least you could have done was warn me!" Rosia told him with a glare on her face as Athy chuckled nervously rubbing her back. "Am I annoyed right now?" Lucas said as Rosia froze staring at him confused. "I-I mean you do look annoyed at something?" Rosia said agreeing now that she saw his face expression. "Yeah. I must be upset about something." He said completely ignoring her as she blinked. 'Did... Did he just ignore me?! Also, shouldn't I be the one feeling bad at the fact that I was teleported without warning twice?? Why are you annoyed??' Rosia thought as she glanced at Athy who shrugged in response. "Just why do I feel this awful?" He mumbled as Mikael went to approach Lucas.

"Now, Lucas. What are you-" Mikael said but froze. Athy and Rosia stared at him before looking at Lucas who was glaring at them. Rosia flinched as she moved behind Athy crouching down. She didn't like how the room temperature dropped so suddenly and how he was giving them that cold stare. Then he vanished and the temperature went back to normal but neither of them moved still shocked by what just happened with Lucas. "Did I miss something while I was gone? Cause I have never seen him glare at us like that before." Rosia said shaking silently as Athy held her. "That's what I'm going to find out. See you later, Princesses." Mikael said snapping his fingers as he vanished from their sights. "Honestly. I'm shocked but yet, I'm impressed. Who knew he could glare like that." Athy said as Rosia raised an eyebrow at her in concern before walking off as Athy followed her smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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