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Hey guys, hope you all like this update, happy reading :-))

Abhi is looking himself in the mirror and getting ready to blue moon mall to have dinner with his friends.

Abhi's POV

What am I supposed to do now? I'm nervous; what if she becomes depressed as a result of my actions? Should I kill Abhira's character? No, this might make things worse. The solution to this situation is truth; yes, I must expose the truth about my identity; she will undoubtedly despise me, but I must do so; it is the only way out of this mess. As a result, she may have trust issues in the future.

This night, I'll reveal her who I am.

"abhi, shall we leave" i heard purab calling my name. We went to bluemoon mall.

Pov ends

Bluemoon Mall

"Ira's birthday is coming up on Saturday, should I get her any gifts, oh pragya, she doesn't care about you, why are you still thinking about her?" pragya wondered to herself.

"what are you doing here for a long time ? Come on, Pragya, let's go shopping in that clothing store" bulbul asked her come with her.

"Oh sissy, look at these sculptures, it's really beautiful, I'd like to see it first; will join you later okay"

"how can i leave you? If you gone missing then our parents will kill me"

"I'm not a child, i can take care of myself you don't worry i will call you after seeing this things" pragya confidently told bulbul

Bulbul nodded and went to shopping.

While abhi feels restless, he can't actually enjoy time with his pals in peace since he's worried about pragya.

I'm going for a walk around the mall for a while, okay?" abhi says.

"Hey abhi, what's the big deal about walking around the mall? Come on, let's talk,"  one of his friend said.

"Well, after having my food, I generally go for a short stroll as a form of exercise so see you guys later"

His friends simply nodded. From there, Abhi moved on.

Abhi is just strolling forward, lost in thought; he has no idea where he is headed and is simply following his legs. suddenly he noticed a girl in distance.

"Oh man, she looks exactly like she actually Pragya or have I gone insane of, it won't be Pragya because she's in a different place and has no chance of arriving here" abhi closed his eyes and convince himself that girl is not pragya.

Abhi's POV

What if she's pragya? I have to find out or else my heart won't be satisfied. When I opened my eyes, the girl had vanished. Still unsure whether she was real or my imagination, I dashed to the location where I discovered her and search for her keenly and then i heard a voice  "ouch"

Pragya's POV

I was rushed out from the shop with my shopping bags, i got slipped due to my heels. I grabbed the nearest wall for support, but my leg was twisted, ouch.

Abhi's POV
I turned around and was astonished to see my angel pragya there; I couldn't trust my eyes till now because I'm used to seeing her in pictures,... Is it possible that I'm dreaming? Oh my god, I'm gasping for air.

I walked up to her and gently stroked her shoulder, she glanced at me; uff, her eyes have some magic which attracted me instantly if I could, I would kiss her,  I attempted to speak, but my throat was too dry; I stood there like a dumb, gradually i came back to reality and started a conversation.

I walked up to her and gently stroked her shoulder, she glanced at me; uff, her eyes have some magic which attracted me instantly if I could, I would kiss her,  I attempted to speak, but my throat was too dry; I stood there like a dumb, gradually ...

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"Urm, are you okay, Pragya?" I inquired as I examined her ankle, which she was clutching.

"I twisted my ankle do you know my name?" Hearing her voice in person made me smile like an idiot.

"First of all, you must sit on a chair, let me bring you to the nearest chair," I said as I took her shopping bags in my hands and grabbed her hand in mine.

"Wait, you haven't told me about you," i heard her tense voice.

"don't worry, I've come to help you" i assured her. I never imagined I'd meet her, it's a miracle.

Pragya POV

I have no idea who this guy is. he appeared out of nowhere to help me, and he knew my name. I sat down on the bench, my mind racing with questions about him. I don't generally talk to boys because I'm afraid of them.

He took a seat next to me "Now, tell me who you are. How did you know my name?" i continued.

He looked at me blankly.

POV ends

Abhi squeeced his brain for answers after hearing Pragya's questions. "What should I say now, God, why are you doing this to me? I can't lie or speak the truth now, abhi, she's waiting for your response,  if you take a long time, she'll think you're bad." he thought himself.

"Okay let's reveal the truth of me, if i didnt then it would be really hard for me so this is the correct time " He thinks.

"I am Abhira," he said nervously. Abhi felt like he was going to pass out...sweat beads appeared on his forehead, his heart was racing, and his breathing was hard.

To be continued...

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Thank you for your time...forgive us if the update is not up to ur expectations ..bye..see you all in next update 😊💕

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