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Hey guys, we are apologize for not updating this story for long time...I would like to dedicate this update to chinnusworld as she is the one  asked us to upload this ff...sorry guys if it's not fulfill your expectations...let's start..

Days rolled, there is don't have any conversations between pragya and's result day for abhi, he is very nervous same with Purab...they both in the Abhi's room.. suddenly a message from pragya popped on Abhi's cellphone..

"I know u will be nervous dear don't worry u will get good result, all is well...just imagine I am with you now and tickling u harshly hahahaa then u would smile na so keep the smile on you"

The message itself enough for abhi to calm down...he smile with looking at the phone....just 10 minutes their result will be announce.

"Hey abhi how can you smile like this even in this situation" purab asked him..

"It's because of her purab she can change my mood, I am guilty purab I should have chatted with her, look she haven't forget my result day and I missed her more" abhi told with closed eyes

Purab glared at him "you are too much"

The time is 10.00 pm both take their phone to check their respective results in online...

*20 seconds silence*

They both get passed their..."yaar we did it" abhi and purab did HiFi together...

"Abhi, I want to call my mom to inform this happy news" purab went out with his phone..

Abhi got two audio messages from pragya.

"Hi ira, what result you get? I don't know u will share it with me or not..hope you are fine..leave it, if it's not as per ur expection don't be broken ok stay strong dear to get a beautiful statue a stone have to bear the sculptures"

After hearing her voice note, abhi felt Happy with the way she taking care of him. He pressed the next audio..

"I am waiting for your messages but you are not sending any of them...I felt bad u know, im the one who should get angry at you but here it's opposite...if I did any wrong, I'm sorry ira, don't made me scare please reply me faster"

Abhi turned emotional by her words,

"on this world not everyone have heart to tell Sorry with keeping aside their ego but this girl is really an angel  she asking for my forgiveness without commiting any mistakes" he thought

"I really want to meet you my dear angel, I thought u would forget me in this days but no need to say sorry pragya, I am the one who should ask you sorry for cheating you"  said abhi with closed eyes..

Suddenly Abhi's mother come inside the room"beta, everything is ok??what results u got??, Abhi shared his result to his mother...he also got another message from his angel

"I don't know why you ignoring me ira, you see the messages but not replying me...why are you do like this?? Hope you are fine..Please chat with me I missing u badly"  she send him this voice note with crying voice...

"I can feel your sadness pragya but I don't want to continue this friendship with a lie if you know the truth about me...u will be hurted..I don't want to let this happen..I Don't want you to hate me..I don't want the girl whom I adore to be broken because of are still close to my heart... don't know how I am gonna forget you" he hugged his phone tightly. Purab entered inside the room and saw the scenario.

"Hey abhi, what happened?? Why you hugging you phone like a girlfriend"

Without talking anything abhi tried move from there . "Wait!!, I am asking you abhi, there is no sign of happiness on your face...tell me ya" purab asked while stopping him.

"What should I tell you purab, should I tell that I broke a girl's heart and cheated her?? U can't understand how upset I am now" said abhi with holding his head..

"If I not mistaken, u r talking about pragya right did she send you any messages again"

Abhi nodded and told everything about the messages...

"It's weird yaar, you're the who choose to ignore her but now you are blabbering like an idiot, look we are going to study in the college man, maybe you will meet ur soulmate over there so forget about this stranger girl she also forget you after some days..stop being emotional" purab advised him

Abhi gave a glare to him.

"I know how to make cheer you up, today Rahul going to give us treat as he going to pursue his studies at London....this evening we are going to Blue Moon Mall.."

Without showing any interest abhi moved from there.


Pragya's POV

I was laying on the couch and re-read the conversation between me and ira...lone tears escaped from my eyes..I don't know why she is ignoring me maybe she got a bad results but it's too much...god this is why I never get close with whom do I share my sadness...I heard my sister entered into my room, fastly I wiped my tears and act like I'm fine..

"Pragya, Atlast I got permission from our parents to sightseeing our study place...we are going to greeny place choti" she said with smile widely

But it's not changing my mood either as now my mind thinking only about ira, I don't know whether she is fine or not..

"Pragya why you not responding, tell something na" didi's voice break my thoughts.

"Haan di, I am so excited" I faked my happiness because of her

"My friends all said there is some discounts for beautiful dresses in blue moon mall in greeny place, after sightseeing our study place we are going there to get some fun" Didi squeal in happiness but I don't have mood to have fun.

So guys how's it??

Will they are going to meet in next update??

Thank you for your time...forgive me  if I bored you and for thegrammar errors...bye..see you all😊💕

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