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Hi guys, thank you for your support and love...this story is not 100% true we just took the concept and mixed our imaginations..let's go to the story... Happy reading💕

"hey duffer she revealed her name and I won the bet, now u have to do as I say"

"What, I can't believe it ya normally girls won't tell about them to a boy who is completely stranger I think she is lied to you I won't believe you, u have to show me your chat history then only I will believe"

After reading their chat purab laughed so hard.

"So you acted like a girl actually it's considered as cheating buddy and clearly shown the girl was irritated with you talks...u simply flirting with her by sending her song lyrics definitely she got doubt whether u boy or girl"

"Look she revealed her name and wherebouts so it's enough for you.. don't talk too much"

"It's cheating, if u r a real Romeo then ask her to give you her's mobile number how is it"

"If I get her number what will you do for me"

"Whatever you asking for, don't forget girls will not give their number to anyone even to her stranger girl also"

"I will take care of it"

There is a reason why abhi accepted the number challenge easily is he wants to chat with pragya lengthly...he knew pragya gets irritated by his talks but he likes to talk to her...he started to chat with her

Abhira- Hey pragz can we both become friends?

Virusgya- we already became friends ready

Abhira- then why you not telling about yourself

virusgya-what should i tell .there is nothing about  me 

abhira-so you dont consider me your friend 

virusgya.ok let me ask you a question 


virusgya-a man born in 2025 and died in 2025 .how??

abhira- oh its rumour .why you spreading false news .he must not have born .people are playing with your innocence 

virusgya.ira i hate u .this isnt answer .you cant be serious also .its answer is that 2025 was room or flat number 

abhira - so you love me that is the reason u hate me now . Is it?

virusgya-abhira you talk alot. I have lot of works to do am going

Abhira- it's not fair ya u asked a question so lemme ask a question too

Virusgya-hmm bolo(say)

Abhira- how can I talk through this...I only able to type

Virusya- I don't have time to entertain ur crap..

Abhira- ok cool down answer my question now..How can a girl go 25 days without sleep?

Viruagya- what?! 25 days, it's impossible IRA even an average person go only 11 days without sleep

Abhira- the answer is the girl sleeps at night 😆 is it?

Viruagya- I didn't expect it...ok bye I am going...have to study

Abhira- we will chat later dear so I am not gonna say bye

Virusgya- whatever

Days passed, abhi and pragya gets closer day by day...abhi always irritate pragya by his jokes and talks she also likes it very much she always available to abhi.. unknowningly both get attached. One day Abhi's phone popped  with message from pragya

Virusgya: yaar Wattpad should add emoji in chatting box so hard to express...

Abhira: yes, they should make it like whatsapp

Virusgya: are you using Whatsapp can we talk in WhatsApp if you don't mind...

Abhi cannot believe is it dream or reality. He pinches himself...they exchange their numbers...abhi is  excited to see her pic

In WhatsApp

Abhi - hi twinkle

Pragya- hi ira, u know one thing you became my bestie now...Ur every words make me happy

Abhi - You are the first droplet of the rain which moist my drought land❤️❤️❤️❤️

To be continued

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