Part -11

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"Abhira's friend?? Am i right, atlast god show me a way to meet abhira, i am so glad that she shared about me, okay now tell me how's abhira??" pragya talks non stop made abhi frozed in that place.

Abhi's POV
What the hell, she is assuming everything on her own.

"Abhi, you should explain to her, don't think too much," Abhi's brain said.

"Just look at her happiness, I'm melting like ice, this is making me cheerful, I don't think this is the perfect time abhi...god gave you a chance, therefore you have to make her happier," Abhi's heart reminded him.

Without wasting any time, abhi followed his heart.

" Yes, she is fine"

"then why she don't wanna talk to me, is this because of her result?" pragya's gloomy face made him uneasy.

"No, she passed the exam, but her phone was confiscated by her parents; I'm not sure what the problem is, but it could be a love problem," abhi speculated.

"that's not possible, she is single"

"maybe her parents mistook you as a guy, in fact, I thought you were a boy and befriended abhira because you love her "

"No way, even if I were a boy, I would never do such a thing" pragya claimed

Abhi's face changed.

"oh now tell me why you're here, is it because of abhira? " abhi changed the topic

"No, i came here for my studies, meeting abhira is one of my dream too, i am really excited meet her and u should help me for that"

"sure, we're friends" abhi extended his hand towards her. Which she holds.

"Pragya what are you doing here with this stranger" both heard bulbul's voice

"he is not stranger, he is my friend..actually i twisted my leg he the one who helped me " pragya explained.

"Thank you for ur help, pragya can we leave " bulbul asked pragye

"All right, di," pragya said as she rose from her seat, forgetting about her twisted leg, which caused her to tumble and abhi caught her

Both looked at each other's eyes.

"Why i fall for you like an autumn leaves, whenever i see you my heart gives thousand beats which reminds me you're the one" abhi uttered. 

"why you reciting poem now" pragya asked.

"I recite poems to myself so I don't forget them. It's also my habit," abhi said, attempting to avoid sounding flirtatious.

"Hello pragya, can we leave ?? What are you doing??" bulbul got annoyed.

"excuse me Instead of ordering, you should look after your sister who has twisted her leg. You don't see what happend to her ? Abhi placed pragya's hand in bulbul's hand, saying, "She's going to fall, u better hold her correctly."

Pragya astonished by his behaviour even bulbul too.

"i know how to take care of my sister " bulbul gives a glare.

"if you girls allowed i will take your bags till your car since pragya is injured" abhi holds pragya's shopping bag

What if you're a thief planning to steal our money and bags?" claimed Bulbul.

"Why should I steal your bags, which contained ladies' items?" he asked, handing his wallet and phone to Pragya. "I understand your insecurity, take this and return to me after I help you." he said, Bulbul gave the approval.

Trio moved to the car, while walking. Pragya looking at abhi, her lips curved.

Pragya pov

I am quite pleased by his caring personality, he has impressive character,  he is willing to help me eventhough i am not close with him. No, pragya, you cannot judge a man's attitude in one day. I want to get to know him completely..

They reached the car. Abhi keeps the bag in the back seat.

"well it's really pleasent to meet you pragya, i never thought i will meet you" abhi stammered because he don't want to leave her.

He continued. "if you need any help u can contact me as this place is new to you "

"can you give me your number we will contact whenever we need help" bulbul asked him which made abhi surprised.

Abhi gave purab's number as he knows he will get into the problem if he give his own number as he known as abhira in pragya's contact list.

"your name" bulbul asked to save his number.


"oh I am sorry you helped us lot but i havent ask you name " pragya apologised.

"No problem, take care of yourself'

"you name is similar with abhira's name and the way you recite the poem similar too by the way i love the poem" pragya smiled.

"thanks ,the name is totally coincidence and the poem she might adapted from me" abhi smiled nervously.

"nice, please help me to meet abhira, i miss her alot" pragya told him sadly

"Don't worry i will inform her"

If you guys done with talking, can we leave" bulbul told her with starting the car.

"Yes, we can leave, nice to meet you abhi, thank you so much for your help" pragya waved at him.

Abhi's POV

When I see her leave, my heart sinks. When are we going to meet again? She is so sweet, and I am overjoyed to learn that she enjoys my poem. Her smile has the power to calm me down. I adore her, and if my feelings for her are genuine, we shall meet again but i don't wanna see her sister again uff she is very rude.God please give me strength to tell the truth.

To be continued..

Thank you for your time...forgive us if the update is not up to ur expectations ..bye..see you all in next update 😊💕

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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