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The tides always carry a part of hearts away with them as they flood over graveyards of drowned skeletons with liquid hearts still seeping out of their broken ribs. Sayra knew Cinizia was nothing but a catastrophe-a heartwrenchingly beautiful one, but nonetheless still a catastrophe. The moment Cinizia saw Sayra she could feel her accursed veins hum with putrescent poison as the familiar ache which she had learnt to numb over countless years came alive.

Ilvermonia had perfection seeping like warm honey from each and every crevice of its whitewashed walls. Its pristine beauty had always attracted people to their town only for them to leave not long after. Sayra had always wanted to leave her rose tinted town ever since she saw the darkness bubbling underneath, but what she didn't expect was to be caught in the delinquent goddess's web of spun sugar lies and venom laced touches. After all how could she have forgotten that perfection could never be home.



hey everyone! this is another short story which i had written for the ambys 2021, if you have read my book piscine vides, this story is based on one of the poems from there <3 i had no intention of publishing this to be honest, but i felt that since i've written most of it i should publish it. i really hope you enjoy reading it! this story is another tragic lgtbq+ romance story which will break your heart so i will apologise in advance. if you feel like this story could be improved in any way, please do leave your constructive criticism in the comments, i'll try to improve this book as much as i  can. lastly please note that plagiarism is a crime, and no part of my work can be reproduced, transmitted, or used without my permission. basically don't steal my shit or else i'll throw you in the mariana trench.


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