ch. 24. little deaths

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tae was frozen in place, unable to breath, hands into fists, nails into his tender flesh, teeth pressed together, hurting his jaw, but he couldnt do anything. he could only watch, his room mate made sure of it. tied to a chair, the chair tied to the heater, he couldnt move at all. even his wolf was sitting there in awe, horny as hell, but he knew he couldnt do a thing. jimin needed to trust him again and he had to contain himself, no matter how "hard" it was.

said room mate, aka, jimin, was there on his knees and hands, on his bed, right infront of tae, so he could see all and was enjoying himself with a varity of dildos in various positions. he allready made himself undone 3 times, but alone seeing tae gritting his teeth, his hard on in his boxers, already wet from one release, was firering him on to do it again and again. torturing him more and more. his hole, already moving on its own, needy and greedy, more then wet from lube and jimins spit, was a sight for tae, he would never forget, but.... he had to sit that out and had to wait for his chance to ravish jimin again.

yoongi stared into nothing until kook found him and gently nugded him. "are u okay?" "i saw something i should never see! never ever!" "oh my freshly backed muffin, what happened?!" yoongis body shook slightly and his face stretched into a disgusted look. "i saw jimins glory hole! ewwwww!" "excuse me, what?! did u fuck with him? did he try to get with u? i am gonna kill this mother..." "shut up u stupid dog! no! we didnt fuck! i just wanted to borrow the nice darkblue sweater from him, his door was open and.... ewwww... my poor innocent eyes..." kook crooked a brow. "innocent?" "oh shut up! i saw his hole!" "uhm....????" "he had tae tied on a chair and gave him a show!" "oh... did u get the sweater?!" "no! of course not! "oh sorry man, can i have your sweater, while u are dildoing yourself to death? hi tae, how is it going?" seriously?!" kook chuckled out at yoongis explainations. "sorry, babe... yeah.... ugh, poor brother" "does my hole look like that too?" "looks how? i dont know what u saw" yoongi sighed and showed him a pic on his phone. kook looked bewildered from the pic to his mate. "u took a pic?!" "dont look at me like that.... for research" "yeah sure... yours is more pinkish, gets cherry red after i worked it a bit. but... yeah u are wet like this too with time" yoongi looked big with an opened mouth. "really?" "u know, if u want i can take a video or a pic when we are on?!" yoongis tip of tongue licked over his lips, he looked anywhere but into kooks face. "hmmm yeah.... could be interesting....i dont know... if YOU want?!" kook shook his head and laughed, he pecked yoongis head and walked to his desk. "good, i have a new camera and i wanted to test it anyway. just tell me when u are ready goyza" "i hate that nickname" "mochi is already taken, so its goyza" "like babe more!" kook grinned.

jin had a date. officially. unofficially, it was fake. joon had to see, that he was a catch, a goal! with a grinning face, he walked into the theater and looked around. his grin fell in seconds. "oh no...." he groaned. marietta stared in absolute hatetrate at him. "who is that?" gio, his date asked. "the ex from my ex" "oh?" "complicated. i always forget, that u are not from this pack and that u dont know the shitshow, sorry. in short: i was mate with the alphas son, alpha didnt like cocksuckers in the family, so he forced his son to reject me and marry her. they made it to the altar, but thanks to the king it was annulled. and she hates me more. she is homophobic and stupid as a garden gnom" gio laughed and rolled his eyes. "great, that kind is the most dangerouse ones, you know that?" jin shrugged. "if she things i would spare her, just cause she is a girl, she is mistaken." "just ignore her" "i ll try!" they walked to get popcorn and drinks.

"what is your fat ass doing back here?!" "not your business and my fat ass worldwide, bitch" etta tried to jump him, but gio swatted her away like an annoying fly. "can u not? go away u psycho!" "does my joonie know, that u are here with him?!" "i am NOT YOUR joonie and yes i knew. go away marietta" joon suddenly was behind her. he looked exhausted at her. "just disappear finally!" she smiled at him and held his arm. "great, let us see the movie together" joon shook his arm and stept a few steps away from her. "GO AWAY! LEAVE US ALONE! NOW! GO!" "but joonie..... u are my husband, asshole!" "not anymore, make a fly now!" suddenly marietta sat down on the floor and started screaming and fake crying. joon sighed, pulled jin behind him and to one of the theaters. cursing on his way.

"u wanna come?!" "please...." jimin tilted his head and smirked. as exhausted he felt, taes defeated look, could make him go for the long ride, but.... not the time. "poor baby...." he whispered at taes lips, without touching them, even tae despreratly tried to touch them. "i ll help u" jimin smiled nicely and dragged the cock out, licked a long one over the extreme sensitive tip and finally shoved down to the base. tae only whimpered, he was out of anything else. jimins mouth didnt had to work long, tae was overly ripe for ages, with a silent scream, he came and sacked into his chair down. he was dead, so so dead.

"i am so sorry, love! i promise it wont ever happen again... she is crazy, will always be. i will ban her from our pack and then we will have finally no disturbance ever again..." "sounds nice, but... why am i here with u?" joon flinshed by the strangers voice and turned around, he let go of his arm too. "who are u?!" "gio" "uhm... where the fuck is jin?!" gio shrugged. "u grabbed my arm and dragged me with u.... where are we by the way?" "oh fucking shit! jin will be sooo pissed!" "hey! where u going?" "back to the movie theater.... i made a fucking huge mistake!... why u were there with jin?" "we had a date" joon stopped his tempo and turned again. "u were what?! on a date with my mate?!" gio gave a grimace. "didnt know he is still your mate and he was very willing to go on a date with me... u sure, he is your mate?" joon scoffed. "i am and DONT GET NEAR HIM EVER AGAIN" gio shook his head and sighed. "u know, u dont need that voice with me, i dont wanna get inbetween that fuck game u two are playing here. i am outta here. say sorry to jin for me. bye .... psychos, all are psychos here!" he stomped away and joon ran back to a veeeerrry pissed jin.

"how does it look.... let me see" "yoongi! dont move...fuck...come on! we can watch it later.... u look good" "i am not! look at it! i look like a fucking fish on land... ewwww! we should never have sex again... i look so unsexy!" "u are not... u look really fuckable" "u are so lying to me right now! u look great! very sexy!" "u too! believe me, babe! u are the sexiest thing ever existing and u are mine!" "but...." "ugh, fuck it!" kook ripped his camera out of yoongis hands and threw it onto a chair. "no more experiments with this. look at me! u are the most sexy thing here, u are beautiful and i wanna fuck u all day and night! okay?! there will never be anyone else! u are MINE! stop looking for shit and feel me, only me" "love u too" yoongi mumbled. "finally, now let me fuck u real good"

 "finally, now let me fuck u real good"

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