Twenty-Eight - Small Fight

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"Alright, brats

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"Alright, brats. We're almost there," the teacher said as he stood up from his seat and turned around to find them all sleeping after a three-hour journey. "Wake up! Wake up!" he clapped his hands, startling them to wake up.

Taehyung groaned loudly as he stretched his arms high into the air, and Hoseok did the same. Everyone was slowly blinking and rushing to look out the window to see the beautiful place they were about to stay in and have fun.

Meanwhile, there was only one person who didn't get a single wink of sleep because of his worries. It was Jimin.

Jungkook was still sleeping while resting his head on Jimin's shoulder, attempting to alleviate the discomfort caused by the fever. He told Jimin that he wasn't feeling well because he was getting motion sickness an hour after the bus started moving.

His face was a little pallid, which made Jimin concerned as well as irritated about the boy's condition. Because of that, Jimin drew Jungkook closer to him and let the boy sleep on his shoulder, not really want to do it but Jungkook's whiny complaints were really testing his patience.

When he noticed Jungkook had closed his eyes to sleep, he struggled to keep himself from coughing. He didn't want to startle Jungkook as he wanted the boy to rest before they arrived at the specified location.

He cupped his hand over his mouth and coughed slowly every time he couldn't hold it any longer, then quickly checked on the boy to see if he had accidentally awakened him.

And thankfully, Jungkook didn't move an inch.

"Jungkook?" Jimin cocked his head forward, peering into Jungkook's face, hoping to rouse the boy. "Are you awake? We've arrived. It's past time for you to wake up."

Jungkook's face grimaced, his shut eyes narrowing in between long and breathy huffs. He actually heard Jimin. He was aware that they had arrived, but he didn't open his eyes or even move away from Jimin.

Obviously, he still wanted to stay with Jimin in that position for as long as he could. Who knows if he still will be able to sit next to Jimin once they get off the bus?

With that thought, he pretended as if he didn't hear what Jimin said to him and pushed his body closer to the boy, eliciting a small groan from the latter.

"Come on, Jungkook. Get up! How are you feeling? Better?" Jimin asked before looking around at everyone who started to gather all their belongings and loading their bags as the bus almost reach the destination.

But for Jimin, he couldn't even reach for the water bottle in front of him which was at behind the seat, because Jungkook was still clinging to him.

"Headache." Jungkook took Jimin's hand in his own and placed it on top of his head.


"Help me, ease the pain. My head is throbbing."

Jimin scoffed in disbelief "I thought you were already fine? Why pretend when you clearly aren't?" He inquired, sounding irritated as he aggressively massaged the main character's head.

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