Three - Broken tool

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     "Look at that weirdo, always on his iPad drawing weird characters. Why is he so obsessed with it?"

     "I know right? There's no wrong if he loves what he's doing but oh God. The teacher is literally talking at the front and look at him right now, not even paying any attention."

     "No wonder he's top 10 last students."

    Jimin heard everything but pretended like he didn't. He heard the girls talking badly about him just right behind him.

That caused the grip around the Apple pencil to become tightened while his hand was still moving; drawing Jungkook's hand prettily, not wanting to make any mistakes.

With the last sketch around the thumb, his lips moved up into a satisfied smile as he had finally finished one more chapter to publish.

He clicked the button save and scrolled up to the top of the page to take a look back to make sure there were no mistakes and the whole page was perfect.

While he was too immersed in reading his Webtoon, he didn't even realize that the teacher had already been dismissed from the class.

At the same time, someone walked towards him and had already stood in front of his desk, smirking.

"Hey, obsessive boy."

Jimin didn't give any reaction as he didn't even realize the presence of the boy. His ears have turned into a deaf mode that he was too focused on the screen, can't even pay any attention to something else, like his surroundings.

"Yah." The boy tried again but once again, Jimin didn't sponsor him a reaction, making his anger boil on the inside.

"YAH!" He slammed both of his hands loudly on the table which earned everyone's attention right away. It also made Jimin flinch on his seat and his eyes were huge in terror.

Jimin looked up at the boy and panic immediately screamed in his eyes, "M-Minhyuk..."

"What was that just now? Ignoring me?"

"N-No! You got the wrong idea, Minhyuk! Actually, I-I didn't hear you or even realize you were in front of me!"

"Shut up." Minyuk hit Jimin's face with the back of his hand. "I hate it when people make me repeat twice."

"I-I'm sorry..." Jimin immediately apologized to the boy half-heartedly and carefully hugged his iPad close to his chest. He got a feeling, that something bad was about to happen.

Minhyuk smirked, "What are you doing?" He asked with threatened eyes while slowly making his steps towards Jimin who was slow to get panic. "Can I take a look at it?"

"N-No. Please, don't do this."

"Come on, give it to me."

"No!" Jimin failed to protect his beloved iPad when Minhyuk snatched it away from him and succeeded in having the electronic gadget in his hand.

Jimin's heart thumped furiously. "Minhyuk...give it back. Please..."

Minhyuk ignored the pleadings while scrolling the pages, chuckling sarcastically. "You spend your whole time drawing this shit?" asked Minhyuk before throwing the iPad on the floor, leaving Jimin's heart dropped insanely at the sight.

"Hey!" Jimin was panicking, his whole body was trembling as he was so terrified that the iPad might be broken. "What are you doing?!"

He let his anger out to the boy and before he could go to the crack thing on the floor, Minhyuk had snapped him on his chest by kicking hard, causing him to stumble to the back and fall flatly on the floor.

"Yah, listen." Minhyuk bent down to grab Jimin's hair tightly. "Don't waste your parents' money, you worthless son. Study hard." With that last said, Minhyuk pushed Jimin's head hard to the back and caused Jimin's head to bump onto the floor once again.

After Minhyuk had left the classroom, there were two of his classmates came to him and helped him to get up from the dirty floor. He was so close to breaking down into tears, his eyes couldn't stop looking at his iPad that he loved the most.

It was cracked. It will disturb the surface for him to draw after this.

One of his classmates bent down to take the iPad and handed it to him. "Don't bring it to school anymore. That asshole might break it even worse."

Jimin tremblingly took the iPad and nodded his head. "Thanks. Excuse me."

      "Yeah sure."

Jimin quickly walked away to exit the classroom as fast as he could to the nearest toilet.

He stepped into one of the rooms and smashed the door closed with anger. He fell and sat on the floor before breaking into tears that he tried to hold in since before.

"That fuckass!" he groaned in hatred.

He tremblingly tried to switch on the iPad, praying on the inside hoping that the screen would light up again. Thankfully, it was still working.

He sighed in relief. He quickly opened the Webtoon app and looked for the saving work that he had already finished a few minutes ago and once again, he let out a very deep relief sigh after seeing his work was still there.

Refusing to experience and face the same shit again, he swiftly hit the publish button without thinking much.


. . .

. . .

. . .

"The hell?" He almost let himself into half-panicking. "Why is it not working?"


Tap! Tap!

. . .

. . .



. . .

Tap! Tap!


His finger stopped tapping the screen right after the brightness of the iPad suddenly went up into a very strong light which made him squint his eyes shut and look away.

The screen suddenly brightens up overpassing the max and Jimin felt his body suddenly becoming light and weird.

"What's going on?" he whispered to himself.

And then—

"What the fuck?!!"

10:13 AM. . .

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