Fourteen - Didn't mean to hurt you

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The room was already in a soft and comfortable mood to have a decent and good night's sleep as the main light has already been switched off and only the night lamp booting 20% of the darkness away to provide Jimin a slight peek of his surroundings.

Well, the bed was ready to cuddle him to sleep but why was he still awake?

Jimin was sitting on the bed, sweats bathed his body while his right hand was busy massaging his left arm that was killing him with the unexplained pain. In about 10 minutes after, the pain came to be sharper than before and makes him winced in annoyance.

"For fuck sake!" He gracefully rises from the bed and cautiously makes his way to the desk, reaching for his school bag where he had discreetly stashed the pills. With precision, he unzipped a small section of the bag and slowly retrieved a painkiller from its bottle.

He carefully zipped up the compartment and placed his bag on the side of the desk, near the bookshelf. As he shifted his gaze from the study desk, the door of his room forcefully swung open, startling him. The pill slipped from Jimin's grasp and tumbled out of sight, landing on the floor.

"New Face, are you still up? Can you come with me to—"

"Yash!" Jimin raised his voice in frustration. "You shirtless bastard!" 

"What the hell? What are you mad for?"

"Use your wasted manner, respect privacy, knock the door then wait and let me decide if I want to let you enter my room or not. Asshole."

"Calm the fuck down. It's not like you were jerking off. What are you doing right there?"

"That's not your concern," Jimin replied curtly before crouching down to find the missing pill.

"Let's head over to the playground across the house, New Face."

Jimin grunted and pointed his finger towards the big digital clock on the wall. "Are you out of your mind? It's already late!"

Jungkook whined in upset, "Come on! I can't sleep. Let me have some running and workout."

Jimin froze at his place while giving Jungkook a 'Are you fucking kidding me?' look with lifted eyebrows. "Did you just whining right in front of my face?"

"So what?"

"Like what I remember, I didn't write your personality to be this kind of annoying. You're out of your character."

"What are you talking about, weirdo?"

"Nothing, get the fuck out now! You're disturbing my peace!"

"I don't want to go there alone. It's already late."

"Ask your brother to follow you."

"Yah! You're my serv—f-friend. You're my friend! I should bring you with me instead of him."

Jimin tilted his head to the side, observing Jungkook with a disapproving sound escaping his lips. "Did you want to call me your servant again?"

Jungkook felt a rush of panic, worried if the same thing might repeat itself like it did the other night. "Absolutely not. I did not."

"I heard you."

"Fine, I'm sorry. Just... Whatever," Jungkook entered the room and immediately reached out to Jimin in order to pull the boy out of the room with him. On the other hand, when he was walking, he yelled in pain as he had trodden on something little that caused a shot of sting to be sent to his leg.

"Ow! What the fuck?!" He raised his leg, leaping around before gracefully landing on the bed. He then gently massaged his feet, his face contorted in discomfort as he tightly shut his eyes.

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