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Even now, he can still hear his last words,


"During that time, I was jealous of you because you got to be with Kyungsoo till he died, while I had just stood there staring and trying really hard not to pull him in my arms and sob like there is no tomorrow." said Kai while sobbing.

"I'm sorry. I don't understand why you hid the truth from us?". Baekhyun responded in a calming manner, rubbing Kai's back.

"I was just fulfilling the promise Kyungsoo asked that we would tell together about our relationship; he threatened me that if I told you all by myself then he would never speak to me again." Kai said, bowing his head.

"You managed to control for about a year in front of us. How did you do that, Kai, when seeing your lover's body being buried or when consoling Baek, who was not himself for about a month?" asked Tao and hugged Kai.

"I stayed up all night in my room to weep for him. I even went to his grave after an hour of burial and stayed there a whole day. I had to do it for Kyungsoo, though it was difficult. I cried for him everyday. It's true that I miss him so much and would love to be in his arms, but there's nothing I can do but accept that he's gone and will never return." said Kai.

"But I realised one thing after Kyungsoo's death that IN THE END, PROMISES ARE JUST WORDS." quoted Kai.

The entire group hugged Kai tightly after realizing how much Kai had gone through without them realising. Baekhyun was feeling guilty cause' he never saw others' pain when Kyungsoo left. Everyone was sad when he left, and they should have consoled each other but all they did was to console Baekhyun by controlling their tears and hiding their pain.

Baekhyun apologized with teary eyes. "I'm sorry Kai, I'm sorry all of you. I have failed to care about your pain."

"It's okay Baek. I'm glad everything is fine now" said Xiumin.

"I'LL ALWAYS LOVE YOU, KYUNGSOO. YOUR NINI MISSES YOU SO MUCH," Kai shouted while looking up at the sky.

The group smiled and embraced Kai once more. It's strange, but memories of someone close to you who has passed will always remain fresh in your heart, no matter how much time has passed.

"Let's get out of this creepy forest please. It's too scary." Lay said as everyone glanced at Chen.

"We haven't found anything interesting, guys. No one will go now. Let's explore the forest more." Chen said, jumping up and excitedly running into the forest.

"But w-what if something happens to one of us or maybe all of us?" asked Tao

"Kyungsoo will protect us from there." Chen said while pointing to the sky.

"NOW, LET'S GO" shouted Chen as he dragged everyone forward.

Xiumin whispered to Chen, "You just wait for my punishment. You still have a chance to get rid of it.".

Chen winked at Xiumin, "I will enjoy both things, babe."

They began exploring the forest. Some were terrified, while others were cursing Chen for dragging them here. They were scared of bats that were flying around, haunted trees, and Chen who was scaring the life out of them.

"Next time, I swear, if you do it, I'll kill you!" Xiumin shouted, losing patience.

"What happened Baekhyun?" Kai asked as he looked at the area where he was looking.

The people now glared toward the direction Kai pointed to, "A-A House. Here in the forest. Holy shit." he said.

We have found something interesting, yayyyyyyyyy! Chen excitedly said, "Let's take a look inside."

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