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You must all be eagerly awaiting the update. 

I (sigh)

My life is a mess right now. Many things are happening that are affecting me a lot. I tried to write, but failed.

I'll take a break for a week and then will come back fully refreshed. I promise.

With all of this, I would like to make a request to all of you. It is very important to cherish those you love or those you enjoy spending time with. Please treasure every minute spent with them as the future is unpredictable. If they are happy, be a part of their happiness, if they are sad, give them a really tight hug and tell them you're here for them. Excuses can lead to regrets in the future. When they need you badly, change your priorities and spend time with them. Be present for them so they know there is someone with them at all times.

Regret is the most painful emotion you will ever experience. Don't waste time hating someone unnecessarily because you never know what's going to happen tomorrow.

Okay, I guess I went overboard. Make sure you look after yourself. If you need someone to talk to or want to vent your anger, you can always text one of the admins. We'll try to be there for you.

I love you all. I'll be back soon so please wait for me.

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