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Baekhyun sat near the man who had a low pulse and kept staring at him. He was about to touch his ears when the man cried,


"Sehun please come fast" Baekhyun whispered to himself when a tear slid down his cheeks. The sight of someone fighting a death battle in front of him and knowing he could do nothing broke his heart.

"Please hold on a little longer", Baekhyun told the man, hoping the man had heard him.

Sehun, meanwhile, was shouting continuously at the ladder from which they descended, but no response was forthcoming. After a long silence, he sighed.

"Perhaps this isn't the right ladder from where we came." Sehun thought to himself.

As Sehun prepared to leave, a thought crossed his mind,

'If this ladder is not the right one, then what is its starting point?'

He was in a dilemma of whether he should try going from this ladder or find the right one. As time ticked continuously, his thoughts became more tense. He decided to check out this unknown ladder. Possibly, he could find another entrance that would allow his friends to assist him easily. After taking a deep breath, he began climbing. This one was longer than the one they climbed earlier. He prayed constantly to not get into another mess.


With another deep breath, Sehun reached up and opened the panel above him. The room in which he now stood was full of posters, all of which were torn, making it a mess. As he walked towards the poster, he noticed that it had been split into two parts, with one hanging below the other looking dusty and sticking nicely to the wall. Sehun took the hanging part in his hand and stuck it to the wall where it originally belonged. He read the words a little louder,


Sehun gulped.

Could someone be watching them?

Have we entered a mafia world?

Is it a place for human trafficking?

A lot of thoughts were running through his mind. He calmed himself by taking a deep breath. This was just so much to take in a night that has not even ended yet.

The panel opened in the middle of the room, so he turned around to see what else was in the room. After turning around, he was shocked to see what was before him. It was as if he was spying on them. What if someone was watching them from here? He went close to the mirror from where he could see the rest of the friends in tensed and broken positions. When he saw the mirror, he became confused, and then he remembered what Baekhyun said about it. Maybe he has a good sixth sense.

"HEY GUYS, CAN YOU LISTEN TO ME?" Sehun shouted while patting the mirror. Once again, left with two choices of searching in the room for something that might lead him to his friends or returning to find the correct stairs, he selected the first option.

Sehun checked the room and was disappointed to find nothing. As he was about to leave when he noticed something. Except for one poster, every other poster on the wall was ripped in two pieces. Sehun was curious because it wasn't even dusty. Eventually, he reached out and touched the poster. Two minutes passed with nothing happening.

"Maybe this poster was just lucky" Sehun whispered, turning around to leave when he heard some sliding noise. He rubbed his ears and cursed himself for listening to the false voice.

A moment later, he turned to step down when he saw something. His startled eyes met the door that opened to the bathroom where his friends were there.

Sehun came running up and hugged Xiumin tightly. Tears started to fall from his eyes as he shook. Everyone was shocked when they saw him. Kai even checked the bottom of the bathtub to see if it was still open, and if Baekhyun also coming or not. Kai was confused but he slipped the thought and joined the group hug. After a few minutes, Sehun calmed down. All were waiting for the younger to tell the story of what happened.

"Hyungs please come with me" Sehun pleaded.

"But where? Could you at least tell us what happened there? Where's Baekhyun?" asked Chen.

You'll know once we get there so come with me fast. We don't have time to waste," Sehun said.

Everyone looked at Sehun with a confused expression, but they decided to take care of the younger since they can't leave the younger alone. Sehun turned that's when everyone notice the door which was opened under the shower. They were shocked and didn't move until Sehun shouted.


Despite Sehun's continuous shouts to speed up, they walked slowly, looking everywhere. On entering the room, they were horrified by the torn posters covering every wall. It looked horrible to them. Every time Xiumin saw something scary, he would hold Chen's hands tighter.

"You go first, Xiumin Hyung," instructed Sehun

Their eyes were drawn to a tunnel that led downwards.

"So you came from here?" Tao asked when Sehun nodded.

'But....' Lay was about to question something when Sehun shouted at them,

"WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME SO PLEASE ASK ABOUT EVERYTHING LATER." Everyone got startled by the sudden anger.

After nodding, Xiumin stepped down into the tunnel.

"C-CHEN" Xiumin yelled

"I'm right above you, baby," Chen said and went into the tunnel.

Chen apologized while crying, which made Xiumin's heart melt and he eventually forgave him. Everyone was happy that Xiumin had forgiven Chen. After that, Xiumin remained in Chen's arms right up until Sehun entered.

Sehun was the last one to jump in. After taking a good look around the room, he stepped down and closed the panel. There were a lot of curses, screams, and fake tears before they finally reached the basement.

"Wow!!!" Kai remarked after looking into the tunnel. Except for one person, they were all amazed to see the tunnel. They moved forward as Sehun told them to, but slowly, as if they were silently storing everything in their eyes. Continuous footsteps in that tunnel made it even scarier.

Sehun stopped in front of the door and pressed the button.

Tao asked, "So is Baekhyun here?" When the door opened, his question was answered immediately.

As the lift was pretty small, Sehun recommended going first with Chen and Xiumin, then Kai, Tao, and Lay in the second round.

They did as per decided.

"Now I'm one step closer to you" Lay smirked after entering the room and seeing the whole scene.









Hello my pretty readers, How are you all?

Sorry for the little late update. Tell me your honest opinions about this chapter and your expectations from this story too. :)

The next update will be after 16th August as from tomorrow onwards I'll get busy with my college parade practice.

Sorry for this in advance.

Stay safe, I love you all.

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