A rude introduction

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          Both Alphas sat with the omega, as what seemed to be a very bad panic attack, dissipate slowly. Katsuki continued to hold him in his lap as he continued to release his pheromones, and Kirishima sat next to their side with his own calming scent, trying not to get too much in the way of what the king was doing as well. The king looked away from the omega, meeting eyes with his general. Even without words he could tell what Kirishima was thinking, "What's going on?" And "is he gonna be alright?" Both thoughts were present in the alphas minds as they sat in an odd silence.

       Kirishima returned to reaching to the omega and rubbing circles on his back, a comforting touch to most. Neither of them knew what to do besides this. They didn't want to trigger a second state of panic, yet they needed to know what was wrong. Not only that, but this interaction needed to end quickly after another maid knocked on the door.

         Kirishima stood up to go answer it, opening the door to a short beta who had long green hair, and a cute frog like face. She looked up hesitantly, expecting a foul king but met face to face with the other alpha. "O-oh, hello General." She said formally with a bow. "No need for all that, Call me Eijirou." Kirishima chuckled out in a whisper. She nodded and continued speaking, "Uh.. Is the King present here, Eijirou? The OTG has requested his presence down with his father. He has also requested that his servant come and set up a meal along with the other cooks, heard he's very good at what he does." She mumbled on, trying to get to the point. "You may also be present if you so wish." She finished.

        Eijirou glanced a worrier look into the kings bedroom, but none the less still responded. "Yes miss, thank you for your time." As she was dismissed he closed the door again, walking back towards Katsuki. "Hey uh.. Your father wants to see you." He started, "it has something to do with the trade group.."

       Katsuki scoffed at the request. He hated this time of year, it annoyed the shit out of him. "Ugh.. when do I need to get to that shit, cant they tell we are dealing with something here!?" He angrily responded. With a hint of regret in his words, kirishima continued. "Now, Katsuki. And they need him as well.." Katsuki looked up to his buddy at the words. "Now? And what the fuck would they need him for?" His thoughts going to the worst until Kirishima calmed it down. "To prepare a meal, sir. At least that is what I've been told."

      The king looked back down to the omega who he was still holding, a slight tremor rippling through his body but nothing big. He really didn't want to have the omega doing anything till he was calmed down more, or at least once he knew what was going on to begin with. This omega was lacing him with worry. "God fucking damnit.." he mumbled in anger.

       "Guess I've got no fucking choice here huh!?" He raised his voice as he began to stand. The omega flinching at his loud and harsh tone, as well as reacting to the change in his pheromones from calming to dominant. Katsuki held the omega by his legs, propping him up against his chest not wanting to let him go. Kirishima was noticing his sudden possessiveness of the omega but waved it off as him just being angry.

     On the other hand, Izuku hadn't come to his senses all the way, hearing nothing spoken between the two, all words sounding like they were miles away. All he knew is that the angry King had picked him up and they were on the way to a different location.

In only a few minutes they arrived back to the meeting hall where Masaru and the OTG sat loudly discussing things. Before entering the hall, Katsuki promptly put the omega he still held back onto his feet. Looking towards his friend he gave orders to Kirishima, "You stay with him and make sure nothing goes wrong, got it? Take him to the kitchen and order everyone out so he has open space to work. I need a meal made in half an hour. Do not fuck up." He said sternly, his tone worried Kirishima as it was in a more monotone serious voice, one Bakugou would rarely ever use. "Y-yes sir." He politely responded, using formal honorifics even with his bro.

As Katsuki barged through the meeting hall door that was hardly propped open, Eijirou led Izuku to the kitchen. Upon arrival, he swung the door open and commanded the rest of the chefs to promptly drop what they were doing and clear the kitchen. And so they did, leaving only the red headed alpha and the tiny omega alone.

"Alright Izuku, I'm gonna help ya here okay?" He started, not knowing what to do from here considering the omega was not necessarily doing alright. "We need to prepare a meal for the OTG, they're just having a meeting here, so tell me what you need and I'll help you with it." He finished, smiling to try and lighten the mood as well as try to keep Izuku together.

At the mention of the OTG a shiver was sent down his spine, simply remembering what his mom had told him as well as the fear of coming into close contact with the dual haired alpha he feared. None the less, he did as he was told. Trying to keep it together was difficult, and keeping a steady breath was hard. Luckily with the help of the general, preparing the meal wasn't as bad.

The two made a simple, yet delicious soba. After preparing it, they brought it back to the meeting hall. Kirishima held the door open for the omega as he walked in with the trays of food, looking around the room and sadly, making eye contact with someone who goes by the name of Shoto. The red and white haired alpha held a scowl on his face as he watched the omega hastily remove his glance and tremble with the food. Kirishima stood behind him, trying to make sure he didn't loose his balance.

A face of disgust went across many of the faces in the room as Izuku placed the food down. The putrid smell of his distress tainting the room with a noticeable odor. The new OTG leader who was commencing the meeting stopped his conversation with the kings. "Someone get that awful omega out of here before I do something about them myself." He grunted out in annoyance, not even turning to face and see what said omega there was. He was so used to the distressed smell of omegas that it was ingrained into his brain.

Without a word, Kirishima dragged Izuku back out of the room. The two left the kings and OTG representatives to discuss important matters concerning what date that Katsuki may choose a mate...

On the other hand, Izuku was left in a state of panic. It was clear that the omega would more than likely have to face the one he feared on multiple occasions today, yet he was struggling to pull himself together as flashbacks of his near death experience haunted him. Kirishima sat down on the floor with Izu. He didn't want to ask any questions or push the omega to speak until he was in a more mentally stable place. Together they sat in silence on the other side of the door.

Hello! Sorry for the shit chapter again, lololol. Wanted to get something out so I wasn't keeping you guys waiting. So uh, I wouldn't expect frequent updates with me, I've been really busy and not in a good mental state. But I hope you guys enjoyed this at least a little bit, I'm seriously writing this on improv.
July 30, 2021 - 10:43 p.m. - 1354 words

You're The Only One~ BakuDeku Fantasy AU+OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now