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This piece is the culmination of my political journey over time, that is not to say I will not continue to evolve and gain nuances in my way of thinking in terms of solutions. Ultimately though, I do not believe I will move away from my position on monarchism or something lateral to what I am proposing.
I like what works, and I wanted at first in life to find a system that just had all the answers. Moving from from American Republicanism to Socialism briefly, to more of an authoritarian bend, shifting soon to a very libertarian way of thinking, and finally to where I stand now. The issue I kept having is forcing myself to defend positions I didn't agree with simply because otherwise it undermined other portions of my arguments. At first, libertarianism seemed to provide such an answer, it cares very little for most things in terms of forcing an issue in action or otherwise, but I kept seeing practical, pragmatic, and functional issues. The same kinds of issues that caused me to move off of every other political philosophy I held previous. There was a comfort that I just moved from place to place for, one where I felt like the answer was easy for "insert reason here". Maturity in terms of macrosystems is understanding that if the solution you propose is a single first inclination, then clearly it is either incorrect or unrefined. It is inevitable to be that case, reality simply deals with too many factors at any given moment to try and respond to it with simple machinations and word games. Oh, if only world hunger was solved by handing out food, wouldn't things be much easier?

With that in mind, there will not be too many exact policy proposals in this work, the purpose of this is to give a structure of how to handle reality politically for the purpose of human flourishing. Make no mistake, I'm telling you how to think, and not what to think. It is through understanding what I'm saying that makes this work structural and not dictation. A simple criticism of what I'm going to put forth will be waged, and it will be purely because there is a gap to be bridged that is not in the person pressing this criticism. How can I claim to give answers, and also say there are no answers? I will do my best to explain this concept multiple times throughout, but I can only do so much. There will always be nuances and tranches that change the math of the situation, and therefore the solution must change. I am not married to an idea and neither should you be. One can only hope that respect for human dignity, value, and individuality will be attained and treasured by both individuals and their constructs.

That all being said, this is my work, and I truly hope to place within you a realization I hold dearest to me.

- Author

If I Were King Of The Republic - A Political TreatiseWhere stories live. Discover now