Chapter 11 - Ranboo?

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TW - Cursing

~Tommy's Pov~

8:00 am

Beep beep beeeeeeep

I woke up lying on the floor with blankets under and above me. I slowly got up and looked around the room and remembered I stayed over at Tubbo's for the night. I stood up and looked at the bed where Tubbo and Ranboo lay.

It looked like Ranboo was hugging Tubbo from behind. I got my phone that was lying on the floor and took a picture. It made a loud sound when I took it. Ah Shit.

Tubbo and Ranboo started to wake up and open their eyes. Ranboo looked at me and then back at Tubbo realizing the position he was in. His face quickly turned red with embarrassment. Tubbo turned red as well and sat up.

"Good morning love birds" I just looked and smirked at them.

"Good morning Tommy..wait-" Tubbo and Ranboo both said while looking at me.

I walked to my backpack and opened it to get a pair of clothes and walked out the door and to the bathroom.

I took out my phone to see the picture I took and it looked perfect....perfect for blackmail that is.

~Ranboo's Pov~

Tommy walked out of the room with some clothes in hand. I looked back at Tubbo who was getting up. I looked at his face and he looked red. Cute...

I got up and grabbed some clothes from my suitcase and walked to the bathroom. Tubbo had already gone to a different bathroom in the house to change.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I always kept my hair messy because it looked like it was in a style somehow. I changed into a Hawaiian shirt buttoned up with his jeans. I had his swimming suit under my clothes.

I got out of the bathroom and head downstairs. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw that Tommy was already sitting at the table wearing his normal red and white shirt with some jeans. I was guessing that he also had his swimming suit under his clothes.

"hEllO" Tubbo called from the top of the stairs.

I looked up to see him wearing a grey skirt with squares and a white shirt that says 'Be Look Here I am Fashion!'

I looked up to see him wearing a grey skirt with squares and a white shirt that says 'Be Look Here I am Fashion!'

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(I'm shit at describing clothes)

I felt my face heat up again. He looked so beautiful. I snapped out of my thoughts when Tubbo came down the stairs smiling.

He got to the 4th step at the bottom of the stairs. He had socks on and the socks looked new. He slipped backward.

~Tubbo's Pov~

I quickly make my way downstairs towards Ranboo who looked red. I make it to the 4th step at the bottom of the stairs and slipped backward. Fuck.

I closed my eyes and prepared for impact. I had them closed for 2 seconds before opening them and seeing Ranboo in front of my face. That's when I realized he was holding me. So he caught me before I hit the stairs.

I felt a few of his fingers on my bare leg.

I see him sigh in relief and he puts me down on one of the stairsteps.

"Be more careful next time you could have hit yourself hard!" He gave me a worried expression.

"Okay, okay I get it" I rolled my eyes.

Ranboo and I walked over to the table where Tommy was eating and looking at his phone. We all talked about random things mostly about the vlog though. Once we finished breakfast we walked out the door and started heading toward the train station.

We waited for about a minute or two before a train came. We rushed inside but all the seats were taken. Tommy cursed under his breath. All I could hear was fuck, shit, and piss. We all stood and Tommy and Ranboo grabbed the hook above them to keep them from falling.

While I was a little too short and Tommy and Ranboo just laughed till I was able to grab it just in time. Tommy was in the middle of me and Ranboo. It was a lot a shorter distance to get to the beach than to get to Tommy's house/station.

~5 minutes later~

We were almost there. Wilbur and George texted me saying they just arrived at the beach and we were waiting for us. We just need one more stop to get there.

~Ranboo's Pov~

You could kind of see the beach from this stop but it was still kinda far away. We needed to get off at the next stop. The train pushed forward and I barely grabbed the hook to keep me from falling. But I did bump into the person behind me. I looked behind me to say sorry. I felt my heart drop the moment I looked behind me.

There was a girl with medium-length brown hair with green eyes. Ashley. We made eye contact.

"Ranboo? Is that you?" She raised an eyebrow.

I frozen. I wanted the world to break in half or someone to stab me right there and then. I wanted to burst out crying. Many memories came rushing back just looking at her.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a strong force pulled me out of the train quickly. I didn't even realize the train stopped. Ashley just stood where she was.

"Ranboo?" She called again.

~Tommy's Pov~

We made it to our stop and I look over to Ranboo. Shit
There that bitch was. The bitch that broke Ranboo.

"Ranboo? Is that you?" I felt anger rise in me.

The audacity this girl had. I felt like slapping her but I had to control myself. I saw that Ranboo was frozen in place looking at her. I could see the sadness in his eyes.

I shot the girl a glare telling her to 'back the fuck away from Ranboo. I grabbed Ranboo's arm and dragged him out before the doors closed. Tubbo had already gotten out of the train and was standing there watching. He looked confused but worried.

"Ranboo?" She said his name once more.

I couldn't stand her voice. How she acted like Ranboo was perfectly fine. How she acted as she cared. She fucked up. I was going to go back in and slap her then run out but it was too late. The doors were already closed. I just raised the middle finger at her and stuck out my tongue. I looked at her in anger and disgust.

"Are you okay Ranboo?" I turned to Ranboo and looked at him. He looked like he wanted to throw up.

"Y-yeah I'm fine...L-lets just go..please" he looked towards the exit.

"Yeah okay"

He wasn't fine but it was what he decided. We walked towards the exit and opened the door. The fresh air hit us and we looked at the beach in front of us.

"Oooh! I see Will and Gogy!" Tubbo yelled pointing at a part of the beach.

Ranboo's chuckle turned into a laugh. A smile sprung on his face. I could see Tubbo always made him happy. They are meant for each other.


~WeLCoMe BaCk To ThE aUtHoR's CrIb~

Thank you for the 2.7k views!!

Ello...Fun fact about me if I scream to my max I can crack a glass cup, maybe one daybreak. I've done it before.
Fear me.✨ ANYWAYS have a good day my friends. And remember sleep can't stop you from updating your Wattpad story.

1283 words

(I'm already working on the last chapter bitches >:) hahaha hahaha *starts choking*)

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