That's me, unemployed.

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Some would call it unprecedented times. Some would say we were living in the pages of a history book. I said, "this doesn't change the fact that I'm in debt and need a job."
It was incredibly frustrating.
I had just graduated college, and was starting the job hunt. Since it was corona times, we couldn't really go out much, not that anyone cared to venture out in the sweltering 119 degree heat anyway. That's right. I live in Arizona. I only know of one famous person from here. The Odd Ones Out. So if you want to imagine I'm famous too I won't object.

The thing about me is I majored in fashion.
The thing about fashion is it's not really happening in Arizona. So I decided to branch the job search out. Look at loosely related things.
I needed to stay in Arizona for the time being, for reasons we can discuss later. If I see fit.

So this story takes a bit of an interesting twist as I started two jobs within a week of each other, which is probably the quickest I've ever gone from one to the next.

This, I guess, the first one I interviewed at, but the one I heard back from after I had already started the second, was one of the most interesting.
Sorry if that was a little convoluted.
So was the job.

Anyway, read on if you want to hear about nepotism, and workplace awkwardness.
Also there's one job where I get injured, get hit on by a criminal and get offered drugs, so I'll try to provide a warning before any chapters with sensitive content. And that's hit on in the "asked out" sense in case you were wondering. Like flirting, not a physical altercation.

My Ill Fated JobsWhere stories live. Discover now