Coincidentally Recommended

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Chapter  1:
Coincidentally Recommended


Elle's POV

Hi! My name is Elle Fabienne Gonzalo. 24 years old and is currently looking for a job. I have finished the course of Bachelor of Science in Architecture Fine Arts.

I am just a normal and simple girl. I’m also timid and shy but there are times that I can be as weird as I can. I have been into relationships but only got one boyfriend which did not end too well because he found yet another more beautiful, more daring, much better than me. It was a difficult time because the break up came as a surprise around my graduation day. I was so shocked about what I saw back then but for now I am too focused on moving on with my life.

“Excuse me. Are you looking for a job?” a random guy asked me while I was sitting at a table inside a coffee shop scanning through the ads in the newspaper.

I slowly looked up to him and my why so handsome. It even took me seconds before I could respond.

“Uhm yeah, currently looking for a job but unfortunately, I can’t find any that is suitable” I replied giving a sad smile.

“Well me too. Luckily someone recommended this company so I got the job.” He explained while sitting down at the chair in front of me.

“Good for you.” I said and continued to look through the ads.

“But if you’re interested, I could recommend you too. Here is the flier for you to see what job suits you best. This company I think is still starting to grow, so if you’d like you can call the agency. I'll see you around then,” he said and left me with the flier.

I was still staring at the flier and thought that maybe this was just a prank, you know. Because he didn’t even introduce his name and yet he introduces this company and asked me to think about it, am I right? But little did I know, he suddenly came back and this shocked the hell out of me.

“And by the way, my name is Gilbert, Gilbert Hemmington.” He did come back just to introduce his name. What a weird guy.

Wait. I was just thinking why would he even introduce me a job but not introduce his name. I looked up to him with my eyes wide open.

“Do you, do you read people’s minds?” I blurted out without knowing what did I just asked.

He suddenly laughed and his laughter brought me back to my senses.

“Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. I was just, ugh, never mind.” I stood up, grabbed my bag and left the shop. But before I could step further from my table, I looked up to him, and said, “Elle Fabienne Gonzalo. Nice to meet you too, Gilbert.”

After a few days that I kept thinking whether I should call the agency that Steve recommended or not, in the end I called the agency. Yes. I called the company that the guy, Gilbert, recommended to me. It’s just that I didn’t have any luck in finding a job but this job came to me. So might as well try. Grab the opportunity, as they say.

“You can do this Yien. After all, there’s no harm in trying.” I convinced myself and dialed the number I got from the flier.

After a few rings,

“This is HR of Shen Yue Company. How may I help you?” Wow. Just the HR and yet I feel like this company is going to be very famous one day.

“Uh, yeah. I heard that your company is looking for employees. Someone recommended your company so I called. If by any chance, I would like to apply for any job that you could offer.” I explained in a very calm manner although in reality I’m about to pass out of nervousness.

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