Chance Encounter

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Chapter 3:
Chance Encounter


Elle's POV

Three Weeks Later

It has been a hectic day today as well. Am I punished for standing up for myself? Why do the heavens give me such a tiring day by day? Can’t you give me a day to at least rest? (sob)

“Elle, sorry but can you go make copies for the meeting later this afternoon? Violet just finished the report.” Jane pleaded.

“Guess I have no choice. Let’s all work hard. Fighting!” I encouraged everyone because I understand how tough it was these past days due to preparation for the mid-year grand meeting with the stakeholders as well as the upcoming banquet for the successful alliance between Hua Mei Jewelries and Shen Yue Company.

It has already been 2 months since I started working in this company but still each passing day I have been searching for Gilbert guy. I remember Gilbert told me that someone recommended this company to him and that he is working here or so I thought. However, I never bumped into him even during our orientation that we get to familiarize ourselves around the company with each department and offices. I need to thank him still for recommending me this company because if it wasn’t for him, I might still be stuck at job hunting.

“Elle, have you finished photocopying?” Jane came rushing, catching her breath.

“Uhm yeah. It’s the last copy then it’ll be done. Why? Is something wrong? Why did you rush here?” I asked in a curious tone.

“Well, you see, they moved the meeting that was supposed to be this afternoon. You have to hurry before they reach the meeting room. Hurry!” Jane anxiously said that scared the hell out of me.

“O-okay.” I hastily arranged the files and rushed to the meeting room. I’m almost at the meeting room when I saw that they were also almost at the meeting room so I dashed and hurriedly distributed the files on each desk. Lastly, would be the desk of the CEO. As I placed the file on his desk, the door opened and the guests entered. Shoot! I have to get out of here but it was too late. They were all here even the presenter and CEO if he’s here. I heard he barely attends meetings like these. I had no other choice but to hide under the CEO’s desk. God, please help me. I can’t afford to be found hiding under the CEO’s desk or it will ruin my career and also whoever sits in this desk.

The meeting began as soon as a man stood in front of me. I think he’s the CEO, if he is though. I’m getting nervous every tick tock of the clock. This was even the first time I ever prayed to the gods to help me in this mess.

“Then if you look into the details, you’ll understand that it will benefit the company and its shareholders. If you please,” The presentation is still going on.

But for how long am I going to stay here? I can’t hold out anymore and my butt is hurting for sitting too long in this cramped space. Then suddenly a pen dropped, I didn’t have to think about how long I need to keep hidden because I’ll be found out in just a few seconds. I cursed inside for complaining of how long I have to stay here.

When I noticed the man sitting in front of me making a move to get the pen, I had no other choice but to pull on his tie and - “If you dare say a word or act suspiciously, I swear, even if you’re the president of this country, you’ll never see the light of day.” I threatened him with all my might and even gestured a slit throat.

I knew this would be the end of my career but I can’t afford to be humiliated in front of many people even if I had to risk everything I worked hard and Gilbert I’m sorry. You’re efforts have gone to waste because of such a stupid girl like me. I hope that when we’ll meet again you’ll forgive me. (sobbing silently)

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