Called to the Office

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Chapter 2:
Called to the Office


Elle's POV

Two Weeks Later

It’s the final and last day of orientation of the Shen Yue Company. Yes, I got the job and we had to undergo an orientation and it’s been a week already. There are a lot of employees who got into this company and we don’t know what job we're gonna be appointed to. I heard that this company just started and we haven’t met the CEO yet. I think they needed lots of employees that’s why we had to go throughout this orientation. Well, I just hope that everything will go well.

“It’s your last day of orientation so I guess a lot of you had been thinking what job will be assigned to you. So, we will be dividing you into groups for each department you’ll be working from now on. We can also transfer each and every one of you to any department according to your performances or if it is necessary. Do you understand?” said the instructor of this orientation. We all agreed to every condition the instructor said and they began to announce the names of each person to a certain department. I feel like I’ve seen this in one of the movies I watched. I think its title is Divergent, I guess. Hehe. I wish I could be a Dauntless.

“Is Miss Gonzalo here?”

“Uhm yes I’m here” I said abruptly standing up.

“Next time pay attention. Do you hear me?”

“Yes ma’am” I got scolded just because I was daydreaming of becoming a Dauntless. (sigh) So stupid of me.

“Miss Gonzalo, you’ll be in the Strategy and Planning Department.”

Oh. I think that takes a lot of work but I can do it. I have to. I’m a graduate of Architectural Fine Arts so what could go wrong if I go to a Strategy and Planning Department.

Although I convinced myself, this was a lot harder than it looks. It has just been 4 days since we started working in our department but there are a lot of paper works to do. I couldn’t even get a wink of sleep. I had to work overtime to arrange everything for the next day. I had to come early to prepare them for meetings and all that. God this is just so tiring. There’s no end to this.

Then why did you even apply for this company?’ Says my good conscience.

Well I had to because I’m so desperate to have a job and seriously I'm tired of job hunting. I had to pay debts and other matters. Ugh this is so frustrating.

“Uhm guys, I’m gonna get some refreshments. Would you like some?” I asked my team just so to get some fresh air because I might pass out of stress.

“Orange juice for me,” said Neil

“Pineapple,” Jane

“Grape,” Violet

“I would like some coffee please ‘cause my eyes won’t stop closing,” Matt said that made the whole team laugh.

Matt is our team leader and he’s a good guy. I think it suits him being our department leader because whenever we’re discouraged of this never ending work, he encourages us and lightens our mood.

“Okay. I’ll be right back.” I went to the cafeteria and got their orders. As soon as I was about to leave I saw a familiar face, more like bumped into people I shouldn't be bumping into.

“Oh isn’t it Miss Gonzalo? Why is someone like you in this kind of company? You surely didn’t climb up the ladder with your - ” she said as she looked up and down at me. Yes it’s Christina Valerio, the woman who stole my boyfriend back in college.

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