15 - Friendly stranger

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*Sierra's P.O.V*

"May i ask what?"

I turned to the voice and saw a guy with messy black hair, tired eyes with bags under them, pale skin, wearing a black sweater and jeans. (⬆pic)

Awe what a cute little tired guy. I feel sad for him thinking that he hasn't had enough sleep.

"It's nothing really..." I replied and looked down at my hands. My mind started replaying Shawn's voice "it was all fake"

"Here's your drink." A waitress put a glass in front of me on the counter and left. I picked it up and stared at the alcohol. "Just this once" i thought and drank it all in one go, as i gulped the liquid it burned my tongue and throat, making me flinch.

"Ahh that burnt!" I exclaimed earning a chuckle from the guy.

"First time?" He asked with a tiny smile, amusement visible in his eyes.

I nodded, the tingling and burning sensation caused me to cough, my vision was getting a little blurry. I waved at the waitress and she came over to me.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Another one please.." I asked while holding the glass.

"Sure thing" she said and went behind the bar brought out a bottle and pored it into my glass. I gulped it quickly again coughing and hissing in pain but this time my breath hitched and my vision started blurring even more my mind was getting noisy, i couldn't hear anyone around me, my head started spinning. I couldn't keep my eyes open i wanted to fight it but i gave up too soon and let the darkness over take me and i closed my eyes, passing out.

*the tired guy's P.O.V*

I watched as she drank the second glass in a single gulp. I took a drink form the beer bottle. I wonder what happened to her, i don't know why but.... I have the strange urge to help her.

I was in my thoughts when i heard a light thud from my left, i turned my head over to her and my eyes widened when i saw that she had passed out and her head was on the bar table. I jumped out of my seat and gently brought her body into sitting position. I examined her pale face and than glared at the waitress.

"You spiked her drink didn't you?”

"i dunno *wink*" she giggled and skipped away.

Well i guess I'll have to take her to the hospital. I decided to carry her out of the pub to my car bridal style as i picked her up the smell of her beautiful hair entered my nose making me inhale the pleasant aroma, her slim body fit perfectly in my embrace, soon i reached my car i carefully sat her down on the passenger seat. I leaned forward to her and put on her seat belt,  she starting coughing again. I quickly jogged to my seat and drove to the nearest hospital and checked her in. The doctor's quickly took samples for tests and then started her treatment.

After some time a nurse was seen coming towards my direction so i stood up to ask her about the girl.

"Excuse me, how's the ah.... girl?"

"I beg your pardon but we have a lot of girl here sir."

"I don't know her name! Her drink was spiked and she fell unconscious." I glared at her, hopefully now she knows who i'm talking about, if not i may have to drill a hole in her head for wasting my time.

"Ohh yes, she's doing b-better now, the drug was very strong...ah if you were a little late she m-might not have made it because- she's not v-very strong, her immunity is quiet low. B-But she'll be fine now." She explained nervously, fear visible in her eyes. I guess she figured out who i was.

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