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Profits and misgivings. There are doubts and advantages. A daily event that can define your life for everyone, adventurous decisions. A mistake, and everything goes badly. A "correct'' choice, although it might turn out to be wrong.
Somebody inflated a bit too much Takemichi's ego. It's been a week since the 3rd of August, a week since Mikey had requested you to become Toman's intelligence. Luckily Mikey decided to give you some time to ponder, you haven't made a full conclusion yet.
Takemichi is a 26-year-old man, and still doesn't know a single piece of fashion. Shame on him.
Once we reach the hospital room, Draken is staying at. The latter quickly flattens Takemichi's ego, thankfully. Takemichi didn't seem pleased that Draken ruined his moment and pounced on him, complaining how people never looked up to him, how it's his time to shine.
''That's pathetic, Takemichi. You got so delighted with a little attention.'' you said, ashamed.
The faux blonde began to protest, until Draken drew notice. There was a bag next to the hospital bed. The bag was a present, a gang outfit from Mikey. Mikey's first uniform. It ought to be valuable.
"[name], did you still take up the request of Mikey?' questioned Draken.
You responded, "Not yet, oh no."
''Request!?'' "Surprised, Takemichi said.
You soon revealed that Mikey wanted you to be the intelligence of Toman, but you were uncertain.
Takemichi has been puzzled, this would let us understand why Toman has gone horribly wrong
Why didn't you agree?
Takemichi left to go to Mikey, who laid on top of the rooftop. You were enjoying conversing with Draken till a couple Toman members strolled in. You did recognise two out of the three. Emma was there and Mitsuya but who was he?
The unknown youngster flowing, shoulder-length, black hair. His two sharp canine teeth jutting from his mouth are the most conspicuous characteristics.
"Huh!?" exclaimed the black hair youngster, "Who's this?"
The question was directed to you, but before you could speak. Emma answered for you.