Chapter 5

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Nat's pov

I felt a strong wave of anxiety overwhelming me as I landed the helicopter on the helipad on top of the Avenger's tower,my well now our, home.  "It's gonna be ok" I whispered more to myself, taking Rosie in my arms and entering the elevator my anxiety growing as every second passes by. The moment I exited the elevator I ran into Tony who was carrying what seemed to be a box of tools, typical.
"NAT?!! U here u good thank god! Wait a damn minute who is that baby???" He asked all shocked pointing into the little girl in my arms.
"Good to see you to"i smirked "She is my daughter, Rose Romanoff" i continued kinda amused by his still shocked look
"But I thought u couldn't have kids! Why did you leave and not just tell us we could have helped with the pregnancy and stuff"he asked with a worried look,still examining my girl
"For safety reasons but apparently she is safer here than anywhere else so here we are" i continue "where are the others?"I add
"At the dining hall let's go they ll all be so happy, they were worried af with your sudden disappearance a while ago"Tony replied and we walked to the dining room. The moment I entered the room was filled with gasps and "Nat?!"s
"Tasha!!!! So happy you are here! Wait did u-"
Clint started but I interrupted him
"Have a daughter,yep this is Rose Romanoff,my lil girl" i smiled gesturing to the newborn baby in my arms. Eveyone in the room (Thor,Loki,Steve,Clint,Tony,Vision,Carol,Bruce and Clint),gasped and started congratulating me and admiring my girl. I asked them to keep their questions for tomorrow as I was pretty tired and they all agreed. We had our dinner and I excused myself from the table and headed to my bedroom. Moments later Wanda entered.
"Nat  why did you come here all of the sudden what happened everything ok? Did you get hurt? Is the baby ok??" Wanda kept asking obviously worried as hell
"Some agents tried to enter the house looking for me and I escaped using the emergency helicopter. We are both ok but as you can imagine we weren't safe so I decided that this the safest place we could be" i replied answering all of her questions while she pulled me into a hug
"Don't worry you are more than safe here it was the best call" Wanda agreed "You should get some rest I'll see you tomorrow"she added hugging me goodbye and planting a gentle kiss on Rose's forehead who giggled at the touch of her auntie who she was now used to. Once she exited the room Rosie started crying cause she was hungry so I fed her and placed her on my chest while gently stroking her back.
"You are my soft spot you know, everything I ever wanted...damn you are not even a week old and you got me, "the mighty assasin", wrapped around your tiny finger" i giggled surpised once more by my own affection. I never show any type of emotion or weakness or cared about anyone nearly as much as I care for this little very-similar-to-me human. I'm a trained killer, I ve grown with no family yet I can love her so much that my mind cannot comprehend. I m worried that cause of the fact that I didn't have a mother figure growing up I have no role-model of how a good mom is supposed to be and my biggest fear is not being the best mother I can to her. I know that I love her more than life itself though and that I ll be a good mom,the best I can be at least. I'll try whatever it takes. My motherly thoughts were interrupted by a slight knock on the door
"Come in"I whispered trying not to wake up Rosie who was lightly snoring in my hug. Damn she a sleepy girl. Steve entered the room and shyly took a seat on the edge of my bed careful so that he wouldn't wake the baby up or annoy me.
"Heyy Nat...I missed you and worried about u a lot you know.."he started in a low voice
"I missed you too Steve but I couldn't tell you for safety reasons" i replied softly
"It's ok...So did u have her I thought it was you know impossible" he said softly
"I thought that too but apparently the doctor that sterilized me didn't do a really good job and I was able to have just one baby" i replied
"I was wondering...I don't want to upset you or something but is there any possibility I'm the father cause the dates kinda match with the day on that mission tha we ehmm you know " he continued blushing, I ve never seen him being so shy.

Stay tuned for the next part 2 find out✌️ty all appreciate you❤️

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