Chapter 7

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Rose's POV

The jet landed on top of a roof next to the school at 7.50 sharp. I grabbed my bag ,greeted Jarvis goodbye and headed towards the school building. I was quite nervous but I tried to push the unwelcome feeling down. I arrived 2mins later and headed towards my locker.
"Morning wassupp" a girl's voice sounded next to me. She was the owner of the locker next to mine
"Oh erm hey"i shyly replied
"I'm Liz Evans"she smiled
"I'm Rose...Rose Romanoff" i replied
"WAIT SO YOU ARE BLACK WIDOW'S DAUGHTER?!OMFG DOPEEE"she squealed and almost everyone in the hallway turned to look at me. I' m the most introverted person you could possibly meet and the way my cheeks turned redder than wine in less than 10seconds was like a world record.
Liz sensed my sense of discomfort and apologized while pulling me into a hug which I shyly returned but was quick to break. I absolutely hate affection and auntie Wanda always says I inherited that trait from mom which I can clearly see.
The bell rang and Liz and I headed to class.
The first period we had history and it was as boring as ever but it became my worst once the teacher asked me to present myself to the class as I was the only new kid
"Erm...hey...I...ehmm...My name is Rose Romanoff...I...was born in Budapest but raised here in mom is Russian...and I erm..I live with my uncles and aunts..." i managed to say before quickly sitting down tryin to avoid everyone's stares
I heard a bunch of pretty mean girls giggling obviously mocking me but I focused on the class which was awfully boring.
As soon as the bell rang I rushed down the hall to my locker to grab my maths book for the next course.
"Well well well,look who we got here! The killer's daughter!" One of the mean girls from earlier started mocking and laughing at me her other 2 friends joining
"What do you want?"i snapped quietly
"Just to mess with you redhead"she continued taking my books off my hands and throwing them to the ground.
"What the hell why would you do that!"i yelled reaching for my books till I was stopped by a kick that hit straight into my stomach
"Ouchhh what the hell" I exclaimed but when she tried to hit me again I dodged and stood up taking my mother's famous pose that aunt Yelena calls my mom out for being a "poser". I laughed at that happy memory when all three of us where small-talking during a break aunt Yelena had from her missions. I miss her a lot but she ll visit us next month.
" Come on widow girl show me you're like your mom, an assassin,a killer a M O N S T E R" she challenged me  attempting to punch my face but I blocked her fist only for her to make her other 2 friends hold me while she kicked me in my ribs full force. I am excellently trained and I could kill them all easily but I don't fight back, I don't want to cause trouble on my first day. It's just some pain I can take it. Pain only makes us stronger,that's what mom keeps saying.
"Dont call my mother a killer again I snap stumbling to get up but finally making it.
"ROSE WHAT HAPPENED?!!" i heard Liz's voice as she ran towards me
"WHAT DID YOU BITCHES DO TO HER"she yelled towards that mean girl,Maddie
"Woahh take it easy you lil cunt" Maddie snapped and with that she and her crew left the hallway.
"Rose you good what did they do to you????"she asked voice full of worry
"Nothing it's ok dont worry" i replied trying to hide the pain that was increasing as I could feel the bruises forming under my shirt
"You sure?Did they hit you?" She insisted
"I said I m fine!" I snapped but quickly muttered sorry for the harshness of my words and headed to class.
The rest of the day passed slowly and I ran to the jet as soon as I got out of the door. The flight home felt long even though it was like 10mins. I walked into the kitchen where everyone was sitting waiting for me so that we could have lunch.
"Hello sweetyy how was ur first day??"my
Mom asked as soon as I arrived getting up to hug me. I hate when she is affectionate.
"I'm good mom I'm not hungry I ll go upstairs see y'all later" I said greeting my uncles and aunts and heading straight to my room leaving everyone else in the dining room with eyes full of concern.

Nat's POV

I was really happy when I heard my girl entering the tower as I had missed her and I was worried about her first day at school. When I saw her she looked...not so well.. she is great at hiding her emotions just like me but I m her mother and I see through those blue gray eyes of hers. Something was off. My suspicions were confirmed as soon as she quickly dismissed us all and headed straight to her room with no word. Yeap something was pretty off. Worry started stirring into me as I stared at the empty hall leading to the elevator where she vanished
"What happened to her?" Wanda's voice interrupted my thoughts
"She acted pretty strange" Tony agreed
"Yeah it was a lot unlike her" Steve added
"Maybe she is just tired?" Thor said in a questionable tone
"Or maybe ur an idiot?" Loki mocked his brother earning a death stare from Wanda
"I'll check up on her" I finally said grabbing a plate full of food for my girl and heading towards her room.
I knocked on the door
"Come in"her voice sounded from the inside as I slowly opened the door
"Hey babygirl I brought you need to eat something you know" i said in a low voice as I sat on the bed next to her
"I'm mot hungry mom"she snapped harshly
"Rosie what happened? Did someone hurt you at school" i quietly asked ignoring her attitude.
"No stop being so nosy"she snapped again
"You can talk to me honey, I m worried please if something happened I want to know I might be able to help yo-"
"NO YOU CAN'T HELP ME IT'S YOUR FAULT IT'S YOUR FAULT FOR EVERYTHING EVERYBODY THINKS I M A KILLER LIKE YOU" she yelled in frustration sitting up but then groaned in pain and covered her rib with her hands
"Honey are u in pain?!Did they hit you?! Let me see" I reach to lift her shirt and I m absolutely terrified by the view before my eyes. Deep purple bruises spread across her pale skin covering both her ribs and her stomach. My girl... what did they do to my angel... who did it
"It's no big deal mom I just need some ice aaaghhhh" she groaned as I touched her bruises
"Who did it?" I asked getting worried and pissed
"Some mean girls at school, they were 3 holding me and one of them started kicking me just to get me to beat her up and prove that I'm a monster as she said" my daughter replied quietly
"And why didn't you fight back! You could knock all of them over without even sweating!" I questioned
"i just didn't want to cause a scene" she muttered tears straining her beautiful eyes
"Honey why didn't you tell me?" I softly said stroking her head aa she started crying. She never cries. My girl never cried only if sth serious had happened.
"I just... didn't want you to worry mom I'm sorry it's nothing really I promise I didn't do anything to them I-"
"Babyyy who said you did anything wrong?! They hurt you and they are gon pay the hell out for what they did. Now come with me let's take you to Bruce to take care of your wounds" I finished helping her up and carrying her in my arms all the way to Bruce's lab.

Hey guysss another chapter on the way. Tysm for the support ly 3000. Please comment if you like the story so far as well as suggestions about future chapters✌️😚

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