Chapter 10

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Nat's POV

I came back home and furiously entered the kitchen where everybody had been waiting for me to let them know what happened.
"How did it go Nat??" Wanda asked worried at my raged expression
"Everything ok? Did you solve the problem?" Tony asked staring into my eyes
"Did the little human pay?" Thor finally asked getting up from the couch
" She got expelled. But her mom started saying hateful shit about Rosie and I lost it and I ended up punching and kicking her" I sighed in frustration
"Niceee" Loki laughed but was cut by Clint's voice
"What did she say Tasha"
"A ton of crap calling her a monster and a freak and I just lost it and next thing I knew she was laying down the parking lot." I replied my adrenaline starting to dissolve.
"It's ok Nat you did the right thing that bitch went looking for it" Tony tried to comfort me
"The thing is that I don't want to have Rosie kicked out due to my behavior" I sighed
"Don't worry even if she gets expelled we ll take her to a better school. Besides she  had only been there for what like 2days or some shit" Tony continued
"Language" Steve interrupted earning Wanda's signature shut-it-or-I'-ll-kill-you look.
I tried to calm myself down. Tony was right we could find her a better school after all...
" We'll have her transferred to Parker's school!" Tony suddenly exclaimed proud of his idea "so that he can watch her!They will be at the same class!!" He continued searching for my approvement.
"That's actually a good idea" I agreed thinking about it.
"Ok great I'll make some calls,everything will be settled by tomorrow just let our girl know and we ll tell Peter as well when he gets back" Tony concluded exiting the kitchen.
The rest of the time went by pretty fast with me,Wanda,Thor,Loki,Vision,Clint,Bruce,Carol and Steve small talking till the elevator door opened revealing the familiar figure of my babygirl.
"Heyyy baby how was ur day!" I rushed to greet her
"Fine ig, pretty boring I missed y'all guys" she replied giving me a quick hug and entering the kitchen greeting her aunts and uncles and taking a sit on the couch opening a can of Coke.
"So erm honey we were thinking it's best for you to go to a different school... it is much better and Peter will be there so you won't be alone" I started waiting for her reaction
"Peter?! As if like Peter Parker!!!In my class?! Oh ermm yeah sure why not.."she replied and I noticed a little blush?! barely covering her cheeks. That was surely not the reaction I was expecting. I thought she d be mad and yell at me for changing her school naming a list of reasons why that was not a good idea blah blah blah but she actually liked it. That is strange af I thought to myself. Something is up with her and Peter...
My thoughts got interrupted as Peter and Tony walked into the kitchen
"Hello everyone" Peter smiled with his usual kindness. As soon as my girl's eyes met his her pupils dilated and I could sense her mind going insane
"Oh ehmm hey Peter" she shyly greeted. Wait shyly?! My girl is never shy that's just unlike her. God she has the hots for the spidey boy. Oh mann...
"Ohh ehmm hello Rosie -I mean Rose-how are you" he greeted her back turning redder than a fucking tomato. Yep he defo likes her back. Oh lord! I thought to myself. When did my baby grow so much . I remember the first time I ever got to hold her as if it was yesterday and now she is having her first crush. Damn time is fast...

Helloo guyss tysm for the support see y'all at the next chapter love y'all 3000

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