Chapter 35

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*Rose's POV*

"No I'm not leaving you alone. I know you are mad but this is really dangerous"
"I CAN HANDLE MYSEL-" I start but get interrupted by the sound of rustling. Before I know it my aunt jumps in front of me pulling me beside her, her gun pointing towards the bushes.
"Get in the house Rose"she instructs me quietly but firmly
"Don't tell me what to d-"
"I said get in the house now"she insists and there is something about her tone that chills my bones. She has never spoken to me like that before. I decide to oblige and get inside.
"Melina!" I call searching for the woman
"What's wrong sweetie?"she asks worried
"You have to go outside. I was there with Yelena and we heard someone make a noise. She sent me inside. You have to help her. Make sure she doesn't get hurt please" I say and watch as she pulls out a riffle hidden under a secret compartment on the floor. Damn this house is filled with guns.
"Don't worry it's going to be ok" she says before rushing to get out to help my aunt. I feel helpless. I may be mad at my aunt right now but that doesn't mean that I don't love her. What if it is my mom out there, fighting them to get to kill me? I don't want them to hurt her... I don't want her to hurt them...

*Yelena's POV*
I'm approaching the bushes where I heard the sound come from when I hear the door open. Please let it not be Rose. To my relief it is Melina.
"Do you have the antidote?"
"Yes" she says and get's closer to me, her riffle pointing the same direction as my gun. Suddenly I hear a loud thud and instantly dug dodging a bullet. Melina flashes a torch revealing....Nat. There she is lowered down behind a thick bush, her hair in the Red Room standard hairstyle, wearing the widow suit. Her look is dark and angry. I ache at the sight of my sister. I can see that she is not there. Before I have time to react she runs towards me.
"You don't want to hurt me and I don't want to hurt you... I know you are in there Nat please" I plead but to no avail as she starts punching and throwing kicks which I dodge. Here we go... We continue to dodge each other's hits but she is winning. Fact is she has always been better at combat and the fact that I'm trying not to hit her isn't helping. She distracts me with a side kick and drops me pinning to the ground, her gun pointing at my forehead. Her focus is on me so she doesn't notice Melina going behind her and dropping the antidote on her, but she is quick and manages to turn around and shoot her seconds before the serum hits her face,setting her free.
"MOM" I scream and free myself,running towards her. She drops to the ground. "Mom are you okay???"I stumble assessing the wound. The bullet is in her stomach and she is bleeding a lot. I remove my shirt and apply pressure to the wound. Meanwhile Natasha slowly recovers her senses.
"Yelena? Wh-where am I?"my sister asks confused. "Wh-what's going on? Where...wh where is my daughter?"
"You were under the influence of the widow serum and Melina sprayed you with the antidote but u shot her. It'll all start to come back to you but I need help now" I say while trying to clear the wound.
"Oh my god Melina I...I'm so sorry" she finally realises and comes to help me with this mess.
"It's...okay....sweetheart" Melina says weakly reaching for my sister's hand. "Are you okay?"she asks her
"I'm fine and so will are strong. Pain only makes us stronger remember? Oh my god what have I done?"she mumbles
"It wasn't your fault Nat" I try to consol her. Luckily the bleeding stops and we are finally able to move her inside.
"She has lost a lot of blood we need to call a doctor" I say
"No I'm fine" Melina insists stubborn and proud as ever
"No you are not" Natasha argues
"I just need some rest" she replies and we help her to her feet. It's amazing how she actually has the strength to walk after getting shot like that. She really is indeed fucking strong. We lay her down on the couch and decide not to call a doctor yet. I watch as Natasha stabs her thigh with her knife, removing her tracker.
"Wait WHERE IS ROSIE??????" Nat asks realisation hitting her as her memories are coming after the shock. "IS SHE ALRIGHT?WHERE IS SHE DID I HURT HER?"she panics, probably remembering her mission
"DID I HURT HER?NO- NO I CODULN'T HAVE... PLEASE TELL ME I DIDN'T " she asks again before I have time to reply,her face dropping.
"Relax Nat she is alright. You didn't get to her. She is upstairs as we instructed her." I reply grabbing my sister's head and sticking my forehead on hers to calm her down. It's our way of showing affection. Relief floods her face and she hugs me but is quick to break the hug to find Rosie who I hear going down the stairs.

*Nat's POV*

I break Yelena's hug even though I really need it but I have to see my baby. Suddenly I hear footsteps descending and there she is before me. I never thought I'd see her again. Before I get a chance to put my thoughts into words she runs towards me and rushes straight to my arms. I can hear her sobbing as I stroke her curls, tightening my grip around her. I need her closer. Tears escape my eyes and I can't keep my composure which results in my joining her crying.
"Rosie oh my god. Oh baby I've missed you so much" I manage to say in between sobs.
My daughter's full body is shaking and she struggles to speak. I kiss her head and try to soothe her.
"M-m...mommy? this real are you here?"she mumbles,her head still buried in my chest.
"Yes baby I'm here and I'm never ever leaving you again you hear me?" I reply kissing her head. She has dyed her red curls black. Even though I haven't seen her only for a couple of months she looks older. After a couple minutes we break our hug and she finally faces me, her piercing pale eyes looking at right at mine.
"Oh I've missed you so much baby" I say, new tears streaming down my face
"I've missed you too mom"she says trying to wipe hers away "Can we go upstairs?"she asks and I nod turning to Yelena and Melina to see if they need me
"Go!"my sister smiles and with that I turn to my daughter who is already leading the way to the room she is staying in. I lay down on the bed and she lies her head on my chest as I wrap my arms around her tightly, kissing her forehead.
"I- I thought you were dead you know" she says, her voice hoarse and weak and I feel a lump in my throat. Nothing could possibly prepare me for the pain her next words would cause. "You died in front of me you know.I...I watched as the doctors pulled me away from your body screaming and kicking and covered you with a white sheet.I... I refused to eat,drink,move for hours on end. I...I- I almost killed myself mom" my daughter admitted pain clear in her weak voice and I felt my heart drop at the sound of what my little girl had to go through. How could I let this happen? How could I not protect her? I failed her and I am the reason why my baby went through all this pain. I want to scream and cry but I have to be strong to comfort her. I have to pull myself together because my daughter needs me.
"I'm so sorry baby" I finally say, trying to stop sobs that threaten to escape my lips "I'm sorry I failed you. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I'm sorry that you went through all this because of me" I continue and feel her tightening her grip around me.
"It wasn't your fault mama. I know it wasn't. I just- I just wish you hadn't gone on that stupid mission"she says trying to stop herself from crying
"It's okay baby let it out. Let it all out. Mommy's got you now. And I am not going anywhere" I reassure her, stroking her dark curls and kissing her head over and over. We stay there in silence for a while till I hear her breathing slow down indicating she has fallen asleep. Finally I have her in my arms. I'm never letting go, I think to myself before closing my eyes surrendering myself to sleep.

*this is a photo of how Rose looks after dyeing her hair*

*this is a photo of how Rose looks after dyeing her hair*

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