Chapter 1

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In this story the boys can be seen by everyone. Julie and Luke has been dating for a few months.

Julie is in her room with Flynn. Julie is humming Perfect Harmony while she is finishing up the lyrics. Flynn looks up and smile at her. Then she decided to ask her...

F:girl when are you going to tell him

J:when I'm ready or probably when the time is right

F:Jules, you and Luke been dating for a few months now, I think you should tell him

J:Flynn, for the last time, I will tell him when I'm ready

F:ok ok. I gotta respect your decision

J:thank you

Julie and Flynn talk for a few minutes, then it was time for Flynn to leave. Julie walk her out. After that she ran back into her room folding Perfect Harmony and putting it in her dream box. Once she done that she goes to the studio to jam with the guys.

J:hey guys, y'all wanna jam before I go to bed

A,R,L: sure

J:Great, let's do it

Julie and the guys jam for a while, then Julie gave a good night hug to Reggie and Alex and a good night kiss to Luke. After that she gets ready for bed and go lay on her bed, thinking about what Flynn said.

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