Chapter 3

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Luke is standing in Julie's room, in front of her dream box, holding Perfect Harmony.

L:Perfect Harmony?

Luke sits on Julie's bed reading the lyrics. He notice that it's a duet. He starts to sing the first verse.

L: Step into my world
Bittersweet love story about a girl
Shook me to the core
Voice like an angel,
I've never heard before

After Luke finish singing, he quickly grabbed a paper and a pen and start writing the lyrics. Once he finish doing that he put Julie's paper back in her dream box and poof out her room into the studio, where he see Alex and Reggie playing with their instruments.

L:hey guys

R:hey man, what's that in your hand

L:oh um... well

A:you went through Julie's dream box didn't you

L:whattt- nooo

Alex gave him a yea right look

L:ok fine I did. I mean I haven't went through it since flying solo so.

A:it doesn't matter that's her privacy

L:I know I know, but this song she wrote is amazing. I wrote it down so she doesn't notice it's missing

R:smart move

Alex slap Reggie in the head.

A:ok show us the song before Juli-

J:before Julie what

Luke turned around and quickly hide the paper, Alex and Reggie gave each other a worried look.

A:oh God

What are the guys or LUKE going to tell Julie?

Will Luke tell her he found the song?


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