Chapter 6

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Luke still stood there in shock, he turned to the boys repeating the same thing

L:it's about me, it's about me

A:yea yea now you know, but Julie is upset now

L:oh God

R:so what are you gonna do man

L:I don't know, what should I do

A:well she said not to talk to her until you get your head straight


A:I think it's best to talk to her later before she goes to bed or tomorrow since it's gonna be Saturday

L:yea you right

Luke went to his couch and sat on it with a sad look on his face. Reggie comfort him and Alex went to talk to Julie. Alex poofs to Julie's room and see her looking at a paper humming

A:let me guess Perfect Harmony

Julie fell off the bed. Alex got her up

J:Alex you can not be doing that

A:sorry, I wanted to see how you doing

J:honestly I'm not surprise he went through my dream box, I mean it's Luke for God's sake, but it's the fact that he gonna ask me if it's about Nick

A:I mean, you did had a crush on him for a long time. But I see your point

Julie went back on her bed still looking at the paper.

A:look, Luke already feels horrible but me and reg told him to either talk to you later or tomorrow

J:hopefully he makes it up to me tonight, if he know what's good for him

A:what do you mean

J:well I kinda told Flynn what happe-

A:not surprise, but continue

J:yea so I told her and she's coming over

A:oh god

Back in the studio Luke is just wondering what he gonna do to make it up to Julie but he was back in reality when the doors open. And guess who it is. Flynn.

Yasss, Flynn is here for her bestie. More like kill her her bestie's boyfriend😂

Question: Who else loves Alex and Julie's brother and sister relationship?❤️

What will Flynn do to Luke😬😂?


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