Chapter 1: married

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        I fully recovered that I can be able leave the hospital today. I still remember the best time that Krystal decided to have sex for the first time that day and she could be positive for pregnancy which I will be happy about.
       All my friends and family were waiting for me at the waiting room. The resistance, Fox, Falco, Slippy, Katt, everyone. They hugged me, gave me high fives and calling me the hero of defeating the SDF.
      Krystal drove us back to our house since she thinks I shouldn't drive after I just recoverd. She is something of being of overprotective sweetheart and I'm fine with it.
      We made it back to our house and headed inside. I was still limping when I walk so she helped me to the couch

"Ok why don't relax and watch TV while I'll make some dinner for you." Krystal said.

"Ok sweetheart." I answered.

She went to the kitchen and started making spinach salad with onions, croutons and carrots. Krystal always makes greats different salads a day since she cares how we eat. Like, once we had pizza and she noticed how greesy and cheesey it is with pepperoni that she knows it not healthy. Same with Soda as well, that she buys V8 vegetable juice which taste horrible but got used to it.

      After dinner, Krystal wanted to surprise me of something. She told me to wait for a sec on the bed. She went to the bathroom for a sec and came back with her pregnancy test and it was positive.

"Stan, we're going to have a baby!!!" Krystal Shouted with scream of joy.

I was shocked about it and really happy about starting a family that I decided to propose to her already.

   "Awesome! Wait here!" I said as I ran into my nightstand and opened the drawer.

     I pulled out a small box with a wedding ring that I bought three weeks earlier for Krystal. I walked back to her and went on my knees.

    "Krystal Cernia, will you marry me?" I asked.

Krystal was surprised and shocked that she started crying with happiness and hugged me tightly.

"YES! YES! I WILL MARRY YOU STAN!" Krystal shouted as she cries.

I smiled and hugged back since my dream came true of having a wife and a child of my own.

Two weeks later at Zon Christian church ...

All my family and friends gathered around to the wedding. I chose Fox as my best man since he was my brother. During the wedding, Fox and Brock and I are in the dressing room helping me get my tuxedo on me.

"Man my little brother getting married today, I just wished our father was here to see this." Fox said.

"I know, but he's in heaven watching us anyway." I said as I straighten my bow tie.

      "Congrats buddy, you Krystal deserve each other!" Brock shouted as he puts his hand on my shoulder.


      Krystal looks at the mirror and she looked beautiful in her white wedding dress.

"You really look beautiful." Said Katt.

"Stan will flip in lust, we he sees you in that." Said Fara

    "Thanks, I will enjoy my life with him since he's the right man for me." Said Krystal

     "Yeah, I can't believe you two are going to have a baby as well! Remember that we are here for you if you need anything." Said Emma.

"Thank you, you are great friends. " said Krystal

   I was waiting at the alter with the priest and I saw Falco started recording everything on his video camera. Just then the moment came. I saw peppy walking Krystal down to the front and Krystal was so beautiful when I saw her in her wedding dress.

     As she came I lifted her veil that was covering her face and I saw her smile. Then the priest opens his book and asked "Stanton Zerrien Keene do you take Krystal as your lawful wedded wife?"

"I do." I answer

"Krystal do you take Stanton Zerrien Keene as your lawful wedded husband?"

"I do." She answers

"If anyone object about them being together, speak now!" Said the priest

No one said anything.

Fox then gave me the rings and I put it on Krystal's finger.

"You may kiss the bride!"

We kissed and everyone cheered, Katt started to cry, even Peppy.

After the after wedding party, I carried Krystal inside and we were tired that we crashed on the bed and went to sleep. I started to think about my child and imagine how great a family will be in the future.

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