4 - What Next?

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The mad rush of sevillians being rushed to safety was dying down. Molly and Issy were still holding their magical bubble, what where they meant to do? If they stopped focusing would the whole bubble disappear back into their hands and up their arms? If that did happen, then the rubble and debris would fall, and crush them and the small family still huddled in the corner in terror.

"Umm, Molls? What do we do now?" Issy asked, worried.

"I don't know." Molly said. Looking really stressed.

"What the hell is happening?" Frannie yelled, "What is this?" The twins turned to see Frannie kneeling on the floor in a very panicked state.

"Frannie?" Molly cried over to her

"Don't worry about me just focus, there's nothing I can do..." she said, trying to sound more chill than she was and failing miserably.

"Don't make yourself sound so useless, I'm sure there is something you can do to help," Molly told Frannie with a worried look on her face, turning back to Issy.

"How?" Frannie called back, sharing Molly's look.

"We could all sing a calming song?" Molly suggested with a faltering smile which could tell anyone she wasn't quite sure of herself.

"I don't know what that will do, but it's worth a try!" Issy replied. She looked tired. The twins staggered slowly over to Frannie. They stood next to each other, waiting for the others to start singing. 

When nobody did, Issy said, "What relaxing song are we going to sing then?"

"I don't know?," Frannie shrugged, "Don't you guys have some sort of family anthem or something?"

"No-" Issy started before Molly butted in.

"Incy-Wincy-Spider." Molly declared, "Remember? We would always sing it when we were younger!"

"Yeah but I would hardly call it a family anthem..." Issy replied sceptically.

"Maybe not but I'm sure it will do it nonetheless."

"Well alright then, on three," Frannie started counting them in and they all started to sing the words to Incy-Wincy-Spider. Surprisingly, it did take their minds off the task at hand and calmed them down. The girls both saw the lady that they saw earlier giving them a dodgy look. They went a bit embarrassed and slowly stopped their singing, stood up and slowly walked over the the gorgeous woman in front of them, still holding up their little bubble.

Hey  guyss! This is probably a bit of a weird chapter but I hope you like it. We did make some big plot changes and that meant re-writing about 80% of this chapter which wasn't ideal but hopefully that will mean its even better? Hope you are enjoying the story and let us know how we are doing. Have a great day/night <<3

Also sorry we hardly update, we literally see eachother twice a year lol

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