8 - Testing

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They were all escorted to the laboratory that Issy was in with Wanda earlier. 

"What are you going to do to us?" Issy asked, harshly.

"We're just running a few tests. relax" Tony responded, casually.

"NO, I won't," Issy said standing up angrily and pulling away, "What are you putting in us?!" 

"Woah, calm down. We're just gonna take a tiny bit of your blood, we're not putting anything in you." Said Tony, his hands up defensively. 

"Issy, it's fine, they're the avengers. They're not Hydra." Molly assured, although she looked a bit nervous too, almost as if she was reassuring herself. 

Then a mysterious man stalked into the room. He was tall, and he wore a scowl on his face. Even odder, he didn't have one of his arms, instead there was a sleek metal one. Molly stared, trying to be surreptitious and failing miserably. 

"What are you looking at?!" He said, the scowl deepening. 

"Oh, um , nothing sorry." Molly replied

"What were you looking at." He retorted, forcing molly to reply. 

"Well it certainly wasn't your ravishing good looks." Isabelle retaliated, smirking at her sister who was smirking back at her. 

"I like this one." The man named Sam said, "Ignore him, he's never liked anyone, in fact this is him being friendly." 

"Jeez, I'd hate to see him when he's in a bad mood." Issy retorted. 

"So what's your name, and problem." Molly asked, with a sarcastic smile. 

"My names James Barnes." He replied, scowling even more, if that was even possible.

"Answer the question, dingus, what's your problem." Issy scowled back. 

"How do we know we can trust you? You waltz in here, after stopping people from being in a terror attack, you shout at us, Steve doesnt trust you, and you were in the Hydra. For all we know you could be a spy." James let out, looking frustrated that nobody else had voiced their views.

The twins both stood up, faces flushed with anger. 

"Don't ever say we're spies for Hydra." Molly whispered venomously

"We escaped that place, and if you think we're going back you must be crazier than you look." Issy shouted. 

Barnes grunted, clearly subdued by that argument, looking slightly ashamed. The twins didn't know that he did understand, which is why he was so skeptical.

The twins blood was bagged and ready to be inspected and tested by Tony and Bruce. 

"A tiny bit huh?" Molly looked at Issy incredulously, "I'm surprised I have anything left in me!" She whispered to her sister who sent back a hushed laugh.

"Go on girls, go and have a wander around and then Wanda and Nat can show you all to your rooms, I'm just going to debrief the team."

Heyy guyss!! We hope you are enjoying the story so far! Sorry its another short chapterrr. We're trying promise!! Sorry for not posting in a while too. We have school  and we go to different schools so we don't get to come together to write very often. We will try to get parts out as often as we can! 

-From these people 😗

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