Ch 5 -Is it normal to snap pens in half?'Cause i developed 'a bad habit'

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June's POV

I looked up at the building before me, the place I now lived, still hard to believe, but I didn't look long since I was now soaked to the skin.

I opened the front door by tapping in the number, pointedly avoiding the elevator, I hurried up the stairs, careful not to slip again. I passed other doors of the neighbors, and finally coming to the right one, I unlocked it with my spare key, the door creaked open, to the apartment.

I looked at the room, closing the door behind me I locked it. 

''Aunt Beryl! I'm home!'' I yelled into the house, hoping it wouldn't be empty, but knowing I would probably be disappointed.

I sighed, No answer.

I Shakily went up the ladder, which the apartment had, since we were on the top floor, and my room was a small part of the attic, trying my best not to leave too much drippy wetness behind. I stopped at my bedroom's door, which was wide open, revealing a messy room, clothes were roughly strewn in odd places, just out of the way, but not necessarily folded. I threw off my backpack into a random corner, leaning heavily onto a wall.

My hands reached slowly for my headphones, gingerly I slowly pulled them off, preparing to quickly throw  them back on if necessary.

I held my breath.

It didn't hurt! No abnormally loud sounds! I sighed in relief, setting the headphones, on my little work table.

I grabbed my Pajamas, and stripped, went back down the ladder to take a quick shower, dried myself, got dressed, brushed my teeth, (I wasn't hungry) and went back to my room, only shivering slightly.

Today was luckily my day off at my part-time jobs, so I could rest.

My eyes caught sight of my backpack for a second. Homework. Right. 

I sat on the only chair in the room, and unzipping my backpack, pulled out my homework, throwing it onto the small table before me.

Pulling out a pencil, I accidentally snapped it half. Ugh, not this again.

Taking out another pencil, I focused my tired mind on my homework. Usually not too hard, I was unused to this extra difficulty caused by my unfocused mind, still it wasn't that hard, if I focused hard enough 


An alarm screeched like nails on a chalk board, its jarring voice screaming for attention, causing me to jolt awake, my eyes snapped open, it was always usually loud, but this was louder than usual.

I looked down to see I was still on my chair with the homework laid out in front of me, I must've fallen asleep. I groaned, seeing I had a blanket which had been placed on my shoulders, that wasn't there before... I missed Aunt Beryl! Then I suddenly looked frantically at the time, and suddenly I noticed... It was 6:45am? This was my first alarm?! I stared, that hadn't happened since... well... since ever! 

I rejoiced for a second, was I finally going to be early? 

And it seemed this time I didn't get any nightmares/flashbacks! I'm really glad they are starting to become less frequent...

A few minutes later...

Okay, I may or may not have fallen asleep again, so it went something like this. Me snoring alarm screeching again, me ending kind of awake again, and that's where I am right now, it's 7:00 am, later than intended, but none the less, still earlier than usual!

Once I'd woken myself up sufficiently, I gazed drowsily back down at my homework, and took about twenty minutes to finished the rest, rechecking the ones I already did for any errors. Let's just say I did a lot of erasing. Which left the paper kind of messy, but hey, at least it was correct!

A few minutes later, I went downstairs, having changed, and heading towards the kitchen, prepared sleepily some breakfast; Cereal and milk. 

After I was done, I washed my dishes then dried them. I noticed a blue sticky note on the fridge and read it out loud; 

To my little Star

Sorry I left early again, see you tonight

-Aunt B

There was a heart shape drawn next to her name, I took out a pen, and drew another one next to hers.

I grinned, it was short, but she was always thoughtful about things like that.

'See you later' I thought, slinging my backpack over my shoulder, while taking my headphones -Just in case- and a peach for lunch, I checked the time, 7:36am, still time.

Then I snapped my pen in half, causing me to groan.

(A/N Please vote! Also, has anyone snapped a writing utensil in half? Or is it just June?)

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