Ch 7 - School and I don't go like peas in a pod... More like a cat and dog...

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June's POV

School... School was... interesting... I guess. It's not that I don't like school, don't get me wrong, I understand its necessary concept, and most teachers are great! But it's just... It's more that I feel... kind of bored. It's more of a reminder of stuff I've already learned, or stuff that I find kind of... obvious. It doesn't help that I seem to be a magnet for trouble.

I'm not trying to get in trouble! I promise! I just seem to always get stuck in the middle of it. 

Like in third grade, the time I accidently started a food fight, or in fifth grade, I accidentally bumped into someone causing them to fall into the fountain, that someone, just so happened to be a very rich and important person, who was in that moment had been considering to fund the school I was in at that time. 

Sixth grade, in a fieldtrip, on a boat, dropped the whole class into the sea, (It wasn't on purpose! There was just this huge red shiny button I just had to press) Seventh grade, fiddled with a Spinshot tennis ball machine on the school's tennis court shooting the school's statue's head off. That year I also accidentally dropped my chemistry equipment in the pool, let's just say that didn't end well. All in all, I was either expelled or moved away, causing me to switch from every school's I've ever been to, so far. 

The only year I didn't cause trouble in was fourth grade, and I skipped that year! First grade was also a mess, which I promised myself not to think about.

No wonder many people told me when I first met them, that I had a trouble maker smile, or at least a mischievous grin.

Luckily nothing bad happened today, Okay maybe not nothing happened today, I may, or may not have accidentally broken a bathroom stall. But it wasn't my fault! Audrey Hevenslace, a popular blonde girl, shoved me into it! You're probably wondering how she didn't notice I broke a stall, and got serious arm bruising, but it's because she left laughing before she could even see me crash into the wall, which so happened to be the bathroom door, which so happened to be not so solid, apparently. Which is why I ran out before anyone saw who broke it. 

I know, I know, I shouldn't have run. But one of my part-time jobs was right after school! And i couldn't miss it! Plus I really didn't have the time for detention, you may be saying, 'what about lunch detention?' but you see, that's usually when I do about half of my homework, so i don't need to do it later, and I have a bit of time for my part time jobs, and maybe a bit of free time later.

 In the end what I'm trying to say is... School and I don't really seem to mix. 

Fortunately, I didn't seem to be under to much suspicion! And I'm at my job right now, so that's good.

(A/N Please vote if you agree that school and June don't really mix!)

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