Ch 9 - Dreams mixed with Flashback, not a recommended experience...

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June's POV

I stood alone in a Exposed elevator made almost completely of glass, It slowly descendent towards ground floor. 

I was bouncing with excitement, today was my  sixth birthday! We'd come to a hotel by the shore to celebrate it, and I just couldn't stop myself from giving off the biggest grin I'd ever had. It was a beautiful sunny day, and I was sure nothing could ruin it.

That's when the elevator jolted to a stop. My expression quickly wavered from one of pure joy, to one of worry.

A deep rumbling shook the earth like hoofbeats emanating from thousands of horses galloping. A sudden rustle could be heard all around us, and thousands upon thousands of of animals flew, ran, swung, past us. Birds, snakes, ext. 

That's when it came. Thirty feet tall, towering above everything in its way, a massive wall of water, dwarfing all else with ease.

Barely a second later, nowhere near time to react, it was upon us.

The water smashed into the side of the elevator, cracks spider-webbing its clear surface, but it somehow still held.

The water began coming through the cracks, I'd never felt so helpless and powerless to do anything, as I watched the rest of my small family  be swallowed hole by the natural disaster.

Tears streamed down my eyes as I yelled frantically their names. I focused my thoughts, when the water level began to rapidly rise.' I couldn't help from in here' I thought. 

I searched around, for some way out, from the see-through cage, but could find none as murky brown was all I could see beyond the fragile walls. I was panicking and then my eyes locked on the top the elevator's top. There was a small trap door, which normally my six-year-old self wouldn't be able to reach, but the water was beginning to make me float. 

This had to me timed right, or I would be underwater for way too long.

A waited for the water to rise a bit more, using the time to calm my breaths. When it rose sufficiently, my hand quickly reached out for the latch, I held my breath, then pulled, it didn't budge. I tugged it harder, and it opened. 

The water came rushing in, the impact of going into the glass box instantly shattering it.

The impact on me made me loose my grasp on the latch, a moment later the glass had shot passed me, and the water twirled me around between its fingers, playing with me. I tried swim towards the surface, but I was disoriented, I couldn't find which way was up, it didn't even know where was up.  

Debris raced passed in a flurry of cutting sharpness digging in my skin, as I was tossed around like a rag doll.

I shot up panting heavily, tears streaming down my face, and my heart beating wildly in my chest. Phantoms of pain seemed to shiver through my body, ghosts of my past.

''It's Just a dream'' I said to myself, trying to calm down. 'But it really did happen' A voice inside my head told me. 

''It's in the past'' I muttered quietly to myself. 'It's your fault' It answered.

''What could I have done? It was a natural disaster'' I tried to reason, though it did nothing to hold back my doubts.

'It should have been you, they wouldn't have come there if it wasn't your birthday' It told me, and silently I agreed, guilt washing over me. 

(A/N Please vote! Let me know if you think this sounded accurate! And if not, please help me)

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