The Fight

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When did it Start?..........

When did this Father and Son quarrel start? It's felt like an eternity since it started.

How long has this fight been going on for? Twenty minutes? Half an hour? No, it had only been an hour since the fight started but, it felt like the reason for this fight came to be years ago. That much was true, there was a reason that the father and son were fighting, and just by the tension in the air made it seem like the father was the reason this whole fight start.

The father was the entire reason this fued started, he had the goal of creating a child who was strong enough to beat him, The Ogre was egotistical and wanted someone to defeat him, he wanted to feel that rush. He found a girl who he made bear his child, his child was birthed and he trained said child from a young age, once the boy was old enough he wanted to fight his father, and instead of winning the son lost the fight and was about to be killed, but his mother rushed to The Ogre and told him that he was his new opponent. The father grabbed her into a bear hug and snapped her spine, killing her, The boy had lost his mother, and as such he began to train even harder to finally beat his father, and now he was in the midst of a fight with his father.

The arena, or should I say plaza, where the fight was taking place was surrounded by people from all around Tokyo who wanted to watch the fight play out, the crowd was full of regular Japanese workers and such who heard about the fight on the news, but among them were tourists from around the world who clearly wanted to spend a nice time in Japan but were drawn to the fight, a fight between the worlds strongest creature and his son.

The two of them were trading blows with one another, fists, elbows, legs, all of them human body was being used in the fight, the father even used his son as a weapon, swinging him around like a pair of nunchucks. The father had swung his son around at such a speed that it looked like the father was wearing a dress. 

There were many martial arts being used in such fight, Chinese Kenpo, MMA, anything that could be used, including moves that didn't even look like martial arts. They were both fighting at incredible speed but the son, also known as Baki Hanma, seemed to be slowing down. 

His speed seemed to be crawling to a halt, so much so to the point where he had to tank any hit that was thrown his way. The boy also seemed to have slower reactions compared to his father, Yujiro landed multiple kicks against Baki's legs and arms, which made the boy fall to the ground. The Ogre sighed and shook his head as he looked at his son who was lying on the ground.

"Baki, you've lost this fight, you're as good as dead right now"

The Ogre, Yujiro Hanma, spouted out as he tsksed. The father was towering over his son, even before Baki went down the boy was still shorter then his father. Baki was 5"6 whilst his father was eight inches taller then him which made Yujiro tower over Baki at a height of 6"2 with a weight of about 120Kgs, or more so 120Kgs of pure muscle while Baki was nearly half of that weight with one of 71Kgs.

 Yujiro's whole body was covered with blood, apart from his red hair which was standing up, the blood on him was mainly from his son and only a small portion of that was from him, however there was hardly any sign that Yujiro was actually harmed. It seemed like all he got was some bruises over his torso and legs. He slowly walked towards his son who was now on both his hands and knees, blood pouring out of his mouth as he tried to speak, his legs and arms were shaking intensely.

"I................can still......................fight"

Baki had just barely managed to get out of his mouth before collapsing to the ground, it was clear that the boy was at his limit, he wasn't able to fight anymore and couldn't even stand thanks to his kneecaps now collapsing thanks to the weight put on them. Yujiro shook his head once more and let out a sigh as he slowly walked towards his son, it was disappointing that he wasn't able to have as much fun as he thought he would. He grabbed his son by the neck and looked at him, he could tell that the boy was on the brink of death, or even at deaths door, it would be better to just end Bakis life here and now. The Ogre began to put his signature Demon Smile on display as he got into a stance, it was clear by how the stance looked, he was going to kill his son. He lifted his son in the air before slamming his son's head against the ground with an immense amount of force, the force from the slam caused a small impact crater, along with Bakis face to be completely broken.

The force from the smash was strong enough to send Baki to death's door, he knew that much as he maintained consciousness, his body was to weak to do anything but move slightly. The boy was barely able to turn himself onto his back as light shinned on his eyes, he could see his father walking away, clearly disappointed. His lungs had completely collapsed against them self, his breathing slowed down to a halt, the boy lost all of his senses as his whole life flashed before his eyes, he remembered everything that happened, he knew that he should have trained more before fighting his father, but he couldn't do anything now.

"So this is it? I'm finally going to die, even after I trained for my whole life to avenge my mother, I'm going to go see her. At least I put up a good fight...............I'm sorry mother, I couldn't do anything to win, I'm a failure who could not do what his mother wanted, I'm sorry."

Baki smiled as his eyes closed, this was it, he was going to be able to see his mother. He let out a few tears before his smile dropped, he had officially died, his soul was now going to the end of the tunnel with a new light, one he hoped would take him to his mother. He reached his hand out towards the light before the light enveloped him, He was finally going to be with his mother in the afterlife.

"Oi bird brain, come here and look at our little runt. Seem's like he inherited my quirk, Or maybe just the transformation but I think he'll be called, Izuku, hey he should take my last name, Usagiyama"

Thank's for reading the first chapter of my story, I hope that you can give me feedback on it so I know how to improve it.


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