Is this my niece!

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Lizzies pov

Today was the day my sisters were flying in to meet their first niece for the first time since I have been filming in California for two months now and I was exited but nervous because I don't know how they will react.

I had gotten a little sleep last night but since she's been very fussy lately she just won't sleep thru the night. I woke up at around 8:30 and ever was asleep so I got into the shower and changed and then checked on ever and she was still peacefully sleeping and so I went to order a coffee and then after that I made so eggs and then I heard ever start to cry so i went upstairs and picked her up and started rocking her and I than cooed at her saying " shh it's ok baby" she than calmed down so I changed her and gave her the passy and I set her down on her swing and went to get my coffee and waiting for my sisters to arrive.

When they got their*

When I heard the doorbell ring I ran to the door and opened it and saw my older twin sisters Mary-Kate and Ashley as soon as I saw their faces I wrapped them in a tight hug and they giggled and said " I missed you too liz" I than said " come in how was your flight!" They walked in with their suitcases and then they say " we're is my niece!?" I laughted at their eagerness of wanting to meet ever so I walked over to her swing and then picked her up  and she whined because she was sleeping but then she calmed down and then I walked over to my sisters eagerly waiting for her and I said quietly " meet your niece ever.." they squealed and said " this is my niece!" I nodded and they immediately asked if they could pick her up and I let them and we just went to sit on the couch and we spent the rest of the day talking and I took a picture of Ashley and ever and posted it on my Instagram captioning it " ever loves one of her aunties❤️" and then I turned off the comments and spent the rest of the time with them.

" they squealed and said " this is my niece!" I nodded and they immediately asked if they could pick her up and I let them and we just went to sit on the couch and we spent the rest of the day talking and I took a picture of Ashley and ever and po...

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