Thunder storm

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The next week*

Lizzie pov*

I had just gotten home from set and I was exhausted and I couldn't wait to get home and see my little girl.
When I got home it was about to start raining so I grabbed the groceries and ran inside before it started raining and saw scarlet watching tv on the couch and she than stood up and helped me with the groceries and said " how was work liz?" I smiled and said " it was good thanks" and then we put the groceries away and scarlet went home so I went up to my room took a shower and got into bed and fell asleep.

At 2am*

I was awoken by small hands wrapped around my hand and I opened one eye and said tiredly " hmm?" I heard a small voice say " thunder storm mama!" I opened both of my eyes and found my dish Hyde with her bunny in one hand and her duvlet in the other standing on the front of the bed so I quickly scooted over and let her get into bed with me and I wrapped my arms around her small frame and stroked her hair and whispered sweet nothings into her ear as we let sleep consume us both.

In the morning*

I woke up before ever so I just layed their and soaked up all the cuddles before I felt her stirr in my arms and sit up and say " morning mommy.." I giggled at how messy her hair was so I sat up and tucked the hair out Nat was covering her face behind her ear and said " good morning my little star how did you sleep?" She said " good" and then we Botha greed on waffles for breakfast so we spent the morning cooking and making messes but it was all worth the memories.

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