The last night (then)

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B/M= Braden mom

Braden: Ugh😩 well what do we do now?!
Ness: We could talk for a little bit?
Braden: about what Nessa?
Ness: Hey! What happened to Ness?
Braden: I'm just teasing
Ness:  better be🙄
Braden: What was that?
Ness: Nothing
Braden: Was that.. attitude?!
Ness: No😂
Braden: I'm pretty sure it was.. someone needs a beating
Ness: Wtf?! Braden that went from 0-60 real quick 😂
Braden: Ik😂 I'm only joking

Next thing I know I'm being picked up and thrown into the air all for having an "attitude"😂

Braden: As soon as you apologize
Ness: I'm sorry😂
Braden: Say it like you mean it!
Braden: Good.

As soon as he put me down we locked eyes.. for a while. That had never happened before, normally we would just start laughing but this time he didn't look away.. and neither did I it was kind of weird ngl. Our "staring contest" was broken by the sound of his phone ringing. It was from his mom.

B/M: Braden honey?!
Braden: Mom? Are you ok?
B/M: Your father just had a heart attack😭 I tried looking in your room for you but I couldn't find you. I need you to get to the hospital ASAP! We will talk about your sneaking out after we find out if your father is ok
  *Phone call ends*

Braden: I-I gotta go Ness..
Ness: You ok? Do you need me to come with you anywhere?
Braden: No Nessa I got it!  My mom found out I snuck out and my dad just had a heart attack.. I don't need you in the way!

Damn. That hit my heart.

Ness: Ok.. we'll call me if you need anything
Braden: Yeah.. I will
Ness: Bye Braden.. love you
Braden: Love you too ness.. I'm not mad, just a little overwhelmed..
Ness: I totally understand.. not like first hand but I see that your overwhelmed, if that ever happened to my mom or dad I would be too. Drive safe ok ?
Braden: Always.

                             *3 weeks later *

It's been three weeks since Braden left my house that Morning. His dad survived which is good. But Braden hasn't talked to me at all since that happened. He met this girl named "clementine" which.. makes zero sense why someone would name their fucking kid after a fruit.. but yk it is what it is.

My mom has been acting pretty different lately.. she been really tired and pretty pale. She went to the doctors but they said "nothing wrong, it's just a cold" A COLD MY FUCKING ASS! She hasn't been able to do like.. anything! I don't even think she has showered in a week and a half from this.

My sister and I have been keeping in contact.. not much though. She's been really busy with school so it hasn't given her much time to talk to me. But I totally understand!

I walked downstairs and saw my mom crying.. of coarse I was worried since my mom.. like never fucking cries.

Ness: Hey mom.. you ok?
NM: Yeah Ness I'm ok.. just promise you will always stay being a good kid?
Ness: Yes, mom what is going on?
NM: Well.. I umm, I went to the hospital and found out that I have cancer..
ness: Oh.

God damn it. Why the actual fuck does my mom of all people have to get cancer?

NM: I'm so sorry Ness.. please don't be upset.
Ness: No,No,No! I'm not upset mom. Don be sorry please. This isn't your fault momma. I love you ok?
NM: I love you too honey🙂

A/N: HOLY SHIT!! I didn't expect so many people to read this that quickly! I love you all so much! I hope you enjoy this!!!

I met her in therapy//J.H X N.BWhere stories live. Discover now