~Chapter 14~He Returns~

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It had almost been a week now. Sapnap would be home in no more then a few hours. The two of them were a little panicked honestly. They didn't want sapnap to come home and find two odd looking voodoo dolls and an array of sec toys. If he did they would have to explain that to him, he would think they were crazy! Probably- and who knows if these items would keep showing up after Sapnap came home!? The best they could do was shove it all in a closet and hide it from him.
They decided to keep it in a spare closet in Dreams room, that as the room Sapnap went in the least. After hiding everything they made sure to check if anything had shown up that mourning, thankfully nothing to be found. So after being the items the two hopped in their car to pick up Sapnap from the airport. The drive was full of them talking while singing out to music on the radio. They had to act like nothing had happened that weekend and that there wasn't still a buttplug in George's ass. This was fine, everything was fine! Hopefully.
When they had finally reached the airport they went to message Sapnap about where he was but they saw him already standing waiting for them so they pulled up to him and Sapnap threw his stuff in back hopping in the back seat.
"Hey how was your trip?"
George asked.
"Meh it was alright, how about you guys? Do anything fun while I was away."
George was about to speak but Dream started talking first.
"Nope! We just remained home most of the time."
"Oh alrighty then. I'm tried when we get back I'm gonna crash."
The drive back much like it was on the way there was lots of talking and singing radio tunes in the car.
Though nether said anything Dream and George crossed their fingers that he wouldn't find anything.
It was a short drive back home. They were all back before even realizing it. They all got out, Dream being the one to help Sapnap with his stuff despite him telling Dream he didn't need any help. Dream carried his stuff anyway of course. George unlocked and opened the door to enter the house, himself entering first.
All three of them noticed it. On the counter was a small Amazon like box with a note.
Dream and George panicked, George went to grab the stuff and threw it in the trash. That of course confused Sapnap, or atleast they thought before he burst out laughing catching Dream and George heavily off guard.
"No way! So it's still happening!?"
Dream set Sapnap a stuff down on the floor.
"What do you mean?"
Dream hesitatingly asked.
Once Sapnaps laughing calmed down he began to explain.
"This stuff used to happen all the time when it was just the two of us."
He said pointing to dream.
"I never bothered with it. It obviously wasn't you because the hand writing was different so I just threw it away and it eventually stopped."
Sapnap went to the trash and picked up the note.
"Oh my god- it's the same hand writing too!"
Sapnap began to laugh again.
What. The. Fuck.
Dream and George both looked at each other.
Stuff had been sent by this stranger before? Sapnap just threw it away and it stopped?
The two of them sighed as Sapnap tossed the note back in the trash.
"Did you guys not throw their shit away? Oh boy I wonder what they sent! I never bothered to open anything."
The two looked at each other.
"Oh you know, just creepy fan letters! Right George?"
He caught the hint.
"Yeah! Just creepy fan mail!"
Sapnap shrugged their weird reaction off.
"What ever, can you guys help me unpack?"
Dream and George nodded following him picking his luggage back up again.
What he didn't know could hurt him right?
Yeah, though they both wounder Ed what would happen if he found something he wasn't supposed to. That would never happen, right?

That my friends is the end of this story! I don't know what to put here other then "the end!"
If you want to read more you can always check out some of my other works, My brand new Mcyt ONESHOTS! As well as my other DNF stories on my account. Enjoying your sinning my lovelies <3

746 words :)

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