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27 years ago, Celestia Villamor found a baby boy just in front of their house. Her husband had some concerns over having another child under their roof but he gave in, because that meant their daughter Cayla would have a brother to grow up with. They named the boy Ronan.

When Ronan was 3 years old, an argument broke out of his foster parents' bedroom. The boy remembered the yelling, the harsh words, and there were punches and hits thrown.

Full of anger at his wife, Luntian Villamor wanted to get rid of her precious boy. So he sent his men to grab their sleeping son, and do anything with him but let him return home. The 3 year old boy was taken to La Carlota and was left the same way he was back when Celestia found him. Fortunately, the family who took him in and raised him were different from the Villamors. They owned multiple lands that had men who planted rice and sugarcane. Alexandra Caballero and Florence Caballero gave him a taste of real family, and a real name, too. Keone Caballero.

27 years later, Keone ran away from home. He didn't want to believe what he heard from his parents at all but it kept becoming more real everyday. The Villamors always had this anger towards his family and for years, they kept on coming back to rape his sisters, to harass their farmers, and set fire to their fields. All this, while he was out in Bacolod for his job.

He wanted to reach them, but every time he does, obstacles block his path. Until he remembered the power the Luka Family had. While his own family are too weak to compete, Keone will from now on have the Luka Family. Zelena.

As if the universe sided with Keone, the young man almost got ran over by a car. Tiabella's car. There were meet ups, and fake hospital notes written, before Keone and Tiabella eventually became friends. They gave each other promises that they would get what the other wants. That Keone would have the Villamors rot in hell, and Tiabella could have the Green Harbor murderer in her hands.

Since then, Keone wore a mask over his face. He wore it when he went out to search for Gregory Luka's driver, when he found and beat up Alec Rosales, when he jumped off a running car. When he came face to face with Gregory Luka's body at Green Harbor bookstore —

And when he went out to prove he was of great stealth. Keone watched as the Luka twins drove away from the city. He saw them outside the restaurant. He found the car they rode, rushed to open it up and place a bomb underneath the backseat.

Keone waited under a tree, breathing steadily in his mask. Once he made sure the right twin was already in the car, the bomb went off. He walked away as far as he can, ignoring the screams and horrified cries of the other twin.

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