14. Hangout

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Friday, new month, March. 3 months till graduation left! Bad and Alex are in biology paying attention to the teachers lesson. As the teacher is talking, there is a call to the classrooms phone. She says, "You all be quiet while I answer this phone." 

She takes the call and after a few seconds of talking to the other person on the end, she leaves the room. The students breakout into quiet chatter. 

Alex says, "So Bad, you know that movie coming out soon?" 

Bad asks, "Which one?" 

Alex says, "Bro! Avengers Endgame!" 

Bad shrugs, "I don't know to much about the Avengers. Why'd you ask?" 

Alex says, "We should go see it next Saturday!" 

Bad shakes his head, "I don't know anything about Marvel." 

Alex shakes his head, "Nope. We are going. I know you've seen a Marvel movie before right?" 

Bad shrugs, "Well yeah I've seen them all. But I don't understand anything." 

Alex smiles, "Perfect! So your all caught up! Its decided, were gonna watch Endgame as soon as it comes out!" 

Bad sighs, "Fine. Its not like I have any plans or anything." 

Alex says, "Yeah I know you dont." 

Bad rolls his eyes. The teacher comes back into the room and continues with her lesson after shushing the students. 

Bad's day goes by until its time for lunch. In the hall, he hears someone behind him say, "Bad, wait up!" And a few seconds later, Skeppy is right beside him. 

Bad smiles, "Hey Skeppy." 

"Hey." Skeppy replies. 

They walk to the cafeteria together and then sit down at their table. Bad eats a sandwich and apple slices, while Skeppy eats carrots and chips. 

Skeppy says, "So Bad, I was thinking maybe we could hangout sometime?" 

Bad says, "I don't know." 

Skeppy says, "It can be whatever you wanna do. I've just gotten kinda bored being home a lot."

Bad says, "Alright, we can hangout on Sunday and figure out what to do then if its good with you." 

Skeppy smiles, "Cool, should we meet up somewhere or one of us picks up the other one?" 

"I can drive us somewhere." Bad shrugs. 

They nod in agreement and move on to talking about something else. But for Skeppy, this is the first time he gets to actually hang out with his friend. Skeppy thinks to himself, "Its gonna be nice to hang out with Bad." While Bad thinks, "Oh boy, I hope I don't regret saying yes."

Time skip to Sunday and Bad has on jeans along with a t-shirt to go pick up Skeppy. He drives to his house and knocks on the door. To which, Samira opens the door again. She says, "Oh its you again. Is my brother forcing you to do his homework or something?" 

Skeppy comes up behind her and says, "No Samira, he's my friend." 

Bad says, "Well I also kinda do your homework sometimes." 

"Shush!" Skeppy says. 

Samira laughs, "Ok well bye big bro and my brothers friend." Samira skips away and Skeppy closes the door behind him. 

Bad asks, "Who's watching your sister while your gone?" 

"My mom got off work early so she's watching her." Skeppy replies. 

They get into Bad's car and Skeppy says, "So, what should we do?" 

Bad shrugs, "Im kinda hungry right now." 

"Same." Skeppy adds. 

Bad asks, "Wanna get Taco Bell?" 

Skeppy says, "Sure, i'm down for that." 

They drive through and make a large order. Bad parks into a parking lot nearby and they open all their food and drinks to start eating. Skeppy takes a bite of his crunch wrap supreme and says, "This shit is bussin." 

Bad rolls his eyes, "Language." 

Skeppy says, "Its really good tho right?!" 

Bad nods his head, "Well yes. But still language." 

After they finish eating, they find a Gamestop not that far away. They go in and look through some different games to buy. They pay for their items then go to the back of Bad's car to open the trunk. 

Once its open, Skeppy looks in and sees a soccer ball. "You play soccer?" he asks. 

Bad shrugs, "My dad tried to get me to play. But its alright and i'm not that good anyway." 

"Wanna go to the park and kick the ball around?" Skeppy asks. 

Bad says, "Uh, I don't know. I'm not that good." 

Skeppy says, "Thats fine, we'll just pass it around. Not play a professional game or anything." 

Bad shrugs, "Alright, lets go." 

They get in the car and drive to their local park with a field. The park is empty besides a few kids playing in the playground set area. Skeppy starts bouncing the ball on his head and knees while Bad watches. 

Skeppy says, "Ive been playing soccer for a while now." 

Bad says, "Yeah, makes sense why your the #4 best highschool player." 

"Have you seen any of my games before?" Skeppy asks. 

Bad shrugs, "Once or twice. You were good." 

Skeppy holds the ball still and says, "Yeah its a fun sport. Im glad to be a good at it. So should we just kick the ball?" 

"Yeah." Bad replies. 

Skeppy then kicks the ball over to Bad, who kicks it back. They keep passing it to each other going faster and faster, until the ball rolls away from Bad's grasp. 

Skeppy says, "Wow! You actually kept up pretty well!" 

Bad is out of breathe and says, "This...is hard...to keep running...side to side!" 

Skeppy laughs, "You'll be alright! Now keep kicking it." 

They play at the park for a little while longer until its eventually sunset. Skeppy says, "Oh the suns going down, my mom probably wants me home soon." 

Bad says, "Yeah its gonna get dark. Lets go to my car." 

They pick up the ball and go to Bad's car. He drives to Skeppy's house and parks in front. Skeppy says, "Well heres my place. Thanks for hanging out with me today Bad. Its so boring to continuously stay inside all the time." 

Bad smiles, "Yeah of course, I had fun. We should hangout again sometime." 

Skeppy says, "Sounds good, ill see you tomorrow at school." 

"See you tomorrow, bye." Bad replies. 

Skeppy gets out his car and goes inside his home but not before waving goodbye to Bad. Bad waves back and then drives off. 

On the drive to his own house, he says to himself, "Guess Skeppy is my friend. That's nice."

Word Count: 1091

A/N: Hopefully whoever is reading this likes this story :) Have a good day/night <3

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