11. "Keep the Past, In the Past"

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Next Friday, at school once again. Its 3rd period but the bell rings to release the students for lunch. Bad walks to the cafeteria, sits at his table, and goes on his phone. Today he thought, "I'll just play some crossy road." 

So he does so, until Skeppy shows up. Skeppy sits down and goes on his phone too. For the past week they've been sitting together, mainly in silence. But on Wednesday they did play Clash together again. Besides that, its mostly quiet. 

Bad thinks, "Its been an awkward week. Skeppy and I just sit here for thirty minutes in silence on our phones or something. Should I say something to him? Maybe try to make conversation?" 

Bad says, "So Skeppy, got any plans for the weekend?" 

Skeppy looks up from his phone at Bad. He replies, "Not really. I like to stay in my room, do some homework or whatever. What about you?" 

Bad says, "I do the same. I play some games here and there but sine were almost graduating, schools really a big focus of mine." 

Skeppy says, "Oh yeah. Graduation isn't that far away. I'm kinda excited for the ceremony." 

"Why?" Bad asks. 

"So I can get my diploma and leave." Skeppy replies. 

Bad laughs, "I feel you. I want my diploma, then to go to some college far away." 

Skeppy says, "So your moving away from here for college?" 

"Yep." Bad replies. 

"Thats nice, where to?" Skeppy asks. 

Bad shrugs, "I don't know yet. Ive applied and gotten into multiple schools all over the country. But I just haven't chose yet. Are you planning to go to college?" 

Skeppy shrugs, "I don't know. Soccer seems to be going good for me right now so I might focus on that and make it my career hopefully. Id love to play profession soccer for some team like...I don't know but anyone who'd take me." 

Bad says, "Ive been to one of the school soccer games and from what i've seen, you play good. I don't know too much about soccer, but I remember you running fast." 

Skeppy laughs, "Thanks Bad. So, do you have like a boyfriend or anything?" 

Immediately theirs tension built and the air around them, its like you can see the awkwardnesses. 

Bad says, "...Um, want to play Clash?" 

Skeppy shrugs, "Sure." 

They both go on their phones and silently play. Bad can feel the thick air around him. As if by the second its getting harder to breathe, harder to sit, harder to be around Skeppy. 

Bad thinks, "It's fine Bad. Maybe he wasn't aware? Im sure he was just trying to make small talk or something. He is, after all, gay too. And now that...well he's been exposed...its just awkward and i'm sure he doesn't mean it in a bad way." 

Bad takes a glance at Skeppy who is just playing on his phone. 

Bad thinks, "But its just so...ugh. I hate feeling like this. I- I feel nervous. I know he's not going to do anything to me right now. Probably never again hopefully. What can he do with us just sitting here playing Clash together and talking? Not much. So why am I worried?" 

Skeppy says, "Bad! Come on bro we got this!" 

Bad nods and thinks, "Even when he raises his voice...it's a reminder of bad things. Even if similar bad things are still happening to me. Skeppy was the worst. But I see he was just doing it out of fear...But I cant feeling nervous." 

They continue playing for a few minutes. But then Bad says, "Wanna play another game or something?" 

Skeppy shrugs, "Sure." 

They start to play Uno while making small talk. Bad asks, "When did you get into soccer?" 

Skeppy replies, "I was pretty young, like 4 years old. Because my dad was into it and he kinda just got me into it. But also because the sport is fun. Do you do any sports?" 

Bad says, "I don't do sports. They look nice on your transcript and for college I guess. But I just do clubs and volunteering instead." 

Skeppy says, "Do you have any hobbies then?" 

Bad shrugs, "A few like I play games and I like to read. But I mainly focus on school. Do you do anything besides you know, school and soccer?" 

"Yeah. I like business stuff. I don't know, it interests me." Skeppy replies. 

"Oh really?" Bad asks. Skeppy nods in response. 

Bad laughs, "I wouldn't take you as a business man. Kinda surprising." 

Skeppy says, "I don't know. Its just something I find interesting." 

The bell rings and now its time for them to go to fourth period. Bad says, "Well thats the bell. Bye Skeppy!" 

Skeppy says, "Bye Bad, see you in fifth!" They leave the table and go to their classes. 

Skeppy sits down in algebra and thinks, "I like Bad. He's nice. Way too nice. Especially to me...after...um...how I used to treat him...If I was him, I wouldn't look at me, ever. Not out of fear, but I just would guess he's mad at me. Rightfully so. 

But why is he so nice to me? No way someone can be that forgiving and sweet. I know I did and said some fucked up shit to him before. Not even that long ago...So how does he just talk to me like normal? Should I apologize to him? I- I don't know what to do? 

Because he seems like he's nice to me and doesn't mind. But if I were him, id probably be furious. Did I really bother someone this nice? He's so sweet and actually kinda interesting. I like talking to him. 

You'd think i'd see fire in his eyes from when he speaks to me. But nope, just green, sparkly pearls. I want to apologize. But maybe by bringing it up, it would make things more awkward between us. 

It's probably better to just keep the past, in the past, and quiet away."

Word Count: 1003

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