- 09

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i was horny and high and i wrote a really explicit chapter and it was 2.4k words long and i literally had to to scrap it bc it was so filthy im sorry this is why it took so long for me to update this is embarassing a little

tired. just really, really fucking tired.

my eyes can barely shutter open, no matter how hard the man sitting at my desk is trying to get me to pop out of bed.

"mar, please. come on, breakfast places close after a certain time you know! we can't show up at noon and expect to be served pancakes,"  he's fiddling around with my eyeliner as he looks at me. i haven't moved in what feels like years, and god it feels great.

"well i don't even like pancakes so whatever," i mumble into my pillow, and bring my blankets higher up to my neck.

"stop," he laughs, "i'll pull you out by your feet like that one scene from freaky friday."

"no weston go to breakfast alone!" i groan into the mattress as i speak. "why me? just go with kalynn or something please weston cant you see how restless i am over hereee," i sound like a toddler throwing a fit. not to mention the fact that anyone out of a two foot radius of me can't hear what i'm saying since my voice is muffled.

"no i wanna take you," i can hear him toss my eyeliner back onto my desk. apparently he's done fidgeting around with that for the time being.

"stop go away please," i throw my head under the blanket, not wanting to hear the attention he's giving me this early in the morning. i am grinning through, which is also why i'm hidden under the blankets.

"i know you, i know you're smiling under there! i know you're smiling soooo hard right now," i can practically see the face he's making.

i throw the blankets over my head, staring at him with tired eyes. he knows he's won, anyone could read that expression.

"ok fine, i'll go with you. gimme ten," i rub my eyes, and finally sit up from my spot on the bed.

"yes!" his fingers tap on the back of the chair he's sitting on excitedly. within seconds he's out the door, shutting it behind him so i can get ready.

a small smile creeps it's way onto my face at how excited he is just to go to breakfast with me. it's hard to tell if this is a date. it feels like one, but part of me still knows this is something we would do platonically.

my arms stretch out above my head with squinted eyes. my body is still achingly tired, but maybe i just need something to wake me up.

finally, i stand up next to my closet and run a hand through the options i have. when i go on a date, i do usually try and look nice. but this isn't a date, i don't think.

im just trying to look at it as breakfast with weston. that's all it really is anyway. a pair of altered khaki colored pants catches my eye. i take them off the hanger and throw them onto my bed; not wanting to put them on until i have the right top to go with it.

i finish it off with a brown zip up sweatshirt with a black tank underneath it. antique skull earrings hang from my ears while black combat boots sit pretty on my feet.

deciding against makeup is always a battle, but i know myself well enough to know that it will just bother me to have it on today. i walk out of my room with no makeup on, and can't help but feel a little bare with no eyeliner or blush on.

"there she is!" weston is practically yelling by the front door. it looks like he's just been waiting there on his phone the whole time.

"c'mon let's go," i laugh a bit as i pass him into the hallway and down to the parking garage.

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